
How do i convince my dad to get me a phone? PLEASE HELP

by  |  earlier

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i have tired absolutely EVERYTHING to talk him into getting em a phone, this is what ive told him so far: i wud need it if theres an emergency, all my friends have phones, i would pay for the phone, and i wudnt buy songs and other c**p.

i dont think he trusts me cuz last time i had a phone, i went over the minutes and got a $1000 bill. but i know that i have learned form that mistake cuz i always bought music.

i wud also ask my mom for a phone, but since my parents are divorced, i dont think she has the money.

anyway, please help :'[




  1. A phone is a WANT not a NEED, and with your track record of running up a $1,000 phone bill, I'm not surprised your Dad won't get you one.

    Have you thought about getting a part time job and earning the money to get one?

    You don't say how old you are, but you could baby-sit, cut grass, walk dogs, work in a local store or supermarket.  

    Show your Dad in other ways how grown up and responsible you are and maybe he will buy you one, but if it were me, I would not be getting you one until the previous $1,000 was paid back to me!

  2. you told your dad that you would pay for the phone and then when you talked about asking your mom you said you didnt think she had the money. but she wouldnt have to have the money if you are going to be paying for it. if youre really desperate for a phone go buy a track phone from target or walmart. your parents cant stop you from buying one of those and you'd only pay for the minutes and texts you use.  

  3. go into details about the emergency part tell him what if you need to call the cops if someone tried to do something  

  4. You gave him a $1,000 bill?!?  LOL!!!

    If you're going to pay for the phone yourself anyway, get a prepaid phone.  That way, you know exactly how much you are spending each month on it and it truly will be for emergencies.

  5. Give him everything he needs to buy it for you, and get one that is prepaid only.  I.e. If the money isn't paid in advance you cannot make calls.  Once you use up all the prepaid minutes, you can't make any more calls until you pay more money.   GIve him the money in advance and tell him what phone you want ( and give him the information that you printed out from online so he will believe you).  

    Tell him you learned your lesson and you are sorry, and this phone will prevent that from ever happening again.  You do need a phone as it is important in case of emergency.  This will prove to him that you have learned your lesson and he can trust that it won't happen again.

    Then you have to make sure you will only use it when you need it or you will not have minutes left on it to make a call if you really do end up in an emergency!    

  6. try apologising for your last mistake and let him be in control by saying if i ever do anything wrong again i'll personally hand over the phone to you.

  7. well, you silly little thing- your dad is doing exactly what a normal person would do--he is not trusting you because you screwed it up last time. if you really want a phone that badly, then get a job, and save up the money, and pay dad back the 1000 bucks you owe him, and then save up the money to pay for the deposit on the phone, and pay for the monthly charges. it is only when you start acting responsibly that your dad will start to believe you have changed, and then he will start to trust you again.

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