
How do i convince my dad to let me get a dog?

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Well i used to have a dog and it was a border collie cross Labrador and it was SO cute, the only problem was that it was an escape artist. so eventually my dad didnt want to keep getting him from the pound so he gave my dog away. But how do i convince my dad to let me get another dog? maybe one just a little bit smaller and isnt an escape artist please help me i absoloutly LOVE dogs and i really really want another one.




  1. Hello,let your father know that you are responsible enough. Get a smaller one like the chihuahua or a mini pinscher.

  2. Well I had the same problem with my dad,he doesn't HATE dogs he just doesn't like them.So I convinced him with a yorkie they are the 2nd smallest dogs in the world so cute and easy to take care of.But that is if you want a small dog.Here is a generous amount of reasons you can totally convince your dad with:

    1.They are so small that if you live in an apartment they'll think of it as house.

    2.For excercise they can just jump around your living room and get a FULL workout.

    3.They don't shed.

    4.Perfect for asthma

    5.You can take them in them in a special purse and take them to stores,markets,malls.

    6.Since they are 7 inches tall you'll be able to take them on plane for FREE.  Well I hope that helped and hopefully you'll get a yorkie too!

        P.S.I almost forgot make sure you give them a bow on they're heads so it'll keep hair out of they're eyes and ears,plus it'll look so cute!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. keep waking him up at night telling him you hear somethin and your this for about a month.then ask him again

  4. To begin with, save money to buy a puppy, do some research on puppies you like to have, and swear in front of your dad that you will train, walk regulary and pick up poos. Good luck.

    P.s. when you swear, make sure you have a witness. Just in case...

  5. Kick him in the nads, and say, "dad! get me a dog!" h**l say "no!" kick him in the nads again, keep repeating process.

  6. Show him you can take good care of the dog; that if it is an escape artist you won't allow it to go

  7. good companion


    last a long time

    you wont get bord of it

    you will pay the vet bills


    will give you comfort

    you will love it

    great exercise

    they will be there for you no matter what

    teaches responsibility

    they are affectionate

    hope i helped

  8. Get your own place, then your dad won't have to care when it craps all over the carpet and barks all night.

  9. Prove to him that you can look after a dog, and that you will take all the responsibility for it (walks, cleaning up after it, feeding it, paying for all the vet bills and equipment)

    Don't forget to research the breed!!

    Otherwise beg

    Hope i helped and good luck

  10. Sit him down and ask him. Simple. If he says no, ask why and accept that answer as well. In reality you are asking him "Can you buy me a..." instead of "Can you let me get a..." and that's a lot of money to ask him to spend!

    When you think about it dad works hard to pay off the bills on the house, the car(s), insurance for both, utilities, groceries, and anything else you and the family need. A dog isn't a need, and with rising prices he shouldn't have to buy one unless he's willing to have a dog in the family again.

    Another thing to think about is the responsibility of owning a dog. He may not want to deal with all of that at this point. What have YOU done to show him that you'll help with this new dog? That you won't leave it all up to him?

    So again, sit him down and talk to him about it. Have some information on the dog you want on hand in case he's willing to "talk about it." Have a contract written out that states YOUR chores for the dog and what you'll need his help with.

    A dog is a commitment that once bought, cannot be pushed aside - so no saying "Well, if i don't do this then we don't keep the dog." Im sure you and he can come up with suitable "punishment" should you not do what you promised!

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