
How do i convince my husband to move to australia with me?

by  |  earlier

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we were talking bout moving to australia, and he was up for it. then we talked about getting foster kids. so i have been going to these classes and it looks like we are going to get foster kids. that is great. but now he dont want to go to australia. he says we will do more good here. can we do the same thing there? please i hate it here. i want out of this place. but i dont want to go wuth out him. what do i do?




  1. Why not take a lovely, romantic holiday here (Australia) before you foster? Then he might see how wonderful it is and want to move here. But whatever happens, don't start fostering if you're unhappy - the child or children you take on will probably come from very disturbed backgrounds and they will need a settled, loving family. Good luck either way.

  2. Tell him "******, are you coming or staying...cause I'm leaving regardless!?"

  3. Where are you from? How can anyone answer this properly if you dont tell us where you're from? if you are in russia, for example, chances are you could create a list of about 5,000 things (literally) that are better in Aus than could ever be there, plus in that case chances are you are gorgeous so you would score, score, score here with guys anyway.

    Where are you now?

  4. just tell him that you are going with him or without him. if does not like it divorce him because you would love it here

  5. tell him he ll meet holly valence your hubby running for that plane

  6. Am not sure 'where' is 'here' as you stated and why life isn't so good for you right now but if you don't make the move now you never will!

    The fact is, if you want a major change in your life, why not go for it, we are only in this life once.

    I'm in Queensland and the past month there has been major advertising in papers and on TV wanting more foster parents/help needed.

    See if you can talk hubby around and don't forget to check out the Australian Immigration site.

    Good Luck

  7. first and foremost...where is 'Here'???

  8. You will find that it's not where you are that's important it's who you are and who you are with.

    If you can be successfull and happy in one place you will be successfull and happy anywhere. If you aren't making it here you won't make it there and as for your problems you will take more of them with you than you leave behind.

  9. Well, when you are that much eager to move out of this place and go to Australia with good goals as you said make your views more  transparent to your husband and once he understands your feelings, I believe, he will agree.  When he told you that you would do more good here, he meant that he wanted you to be with him here in this place and you know that you can't go to australia without him; what is remaining is just a mutual understanding.

  10. beore you have a huge fight with him you better check to see if you qualiy to move to australia,it isnt an easy task

  11. I'm sorry, but to ask on here is really disrespectful to your husband. You obviously need to discuss this kind of major move with him if you love him. It's not unheard of to get attached to the place you live for a long time, so you have to be understanding and supportive and hopefully he will do the same for you.

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