
How do i convince my mom that i WONT get pregnant on prom night?

by Guest65694  |  earlier

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every one knows the rumors of prom night. but im not like that how do i get my mom to understand and let me to go to prom




  1. Who are you going with?  Friend, BF.  If it is a boyfriend, then make sure you explain your whereabouts and if you can go in a group and all get dropped off at 1:00 am or something, then maybe she would go for it.

  2. Just incase ask for condoms and everything you need to know about.  Tell her that if I you don't go to the prom night you'd be scarred for life and puppy eyes if you still got it.

  3. ask her for protection

  4. just show her the pack of condoms you have bought..that will make her feel a lot better i bet...just tell her there is only 3 in the pack and you wont go past that.

  5. tell your mother that you have just found the best birth controll pill  

    it's just a penny and you hold it between your knees .

  6. Tell her that she should know you better and of course let her meet the guy you want to go with. Let her know that you are only at that age once and you need to take advantage of it and live life. Prom is wonderful and if they don’t let you go it will affect you for years to come (I should know). If all else fails tell you you’ll even go on the pill or if worse comes to worse IF some how things did turn out that you were having a kid, it is NOT the end of the world and prom or no prom, life is going to happen

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