
How do i convince my mom to homeschool me?

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im struggling in the school i am and it is so overwhelming for me, i just dont think public school is for me, i need a more personal teacher and i just know i would learn so much more if i could be homeschooled, but im pretty sure my mom is going to say no because she wants me to make friends and all that but i already have enough friends from school and other things im in so its not like i really NEED to make anymore, right now i feel like im so behind in school from everyone else and i need to have my own teacher, also my dad just died a few months ago so im already really overwhelmed with that. and the school i go to is REALLY hard, its a great school but its just way to difficult for me, and its a huge school so i never get any personal help, how can i convince my mom that i wil do better if im homeschooled???( btw my moms job is at home so she is basically a stay at home mother because she only has to answer home calls for our buissness so shes not busy all day so it would be perfect for home schooling, i cant handle being in my big school anymore, how do i convince my mom that i should be homeschooled??? if i stay at the school im at im pretty much 90% i wont be able to pass, i learn better when there arent tons of other people there because it makes me feel nervous (i have a little bit of anxiety problems =/ )




  1. to me it sounds like your looking for any excuse to take the easy way out.  Probably will sound like that to your mom too.

  2. Other people are being ridiculous saying your just taking the easy way out. I think it's a good idea for you. Tell her you feel over whelmed in your big school and that you need a personnel teacher or you think you'll fail. Also tell her that you'll still have all your friends from the public school you went to. If talking to her completely fails ask your counselor to talk to your mom.  

  3. sounds to me like your taking the easy route out. But if your sure that you just can't do it, tell you Mom what you just told us. Your struggling to keep up with your classes, with all the recent stress, and you think you need a break to catch up with yourself and your emotions. Ask her for, say, a year of homeschooling, and then you'd consider going back to school. You've done both of you a favor by doing that. You save your skin if you despise homeschooling, and you give her the options, not, "I have to have this." Good luck!

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