
How do i convince my mom to let me buy gta4

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im 14 years old and im like the only one that doesnt have the game out of all my friends. and they play it online with eachother and its soo fun and my mom wont let me get it. im probly one of the most responsible kids and she knows that i am. but shes like i just hate the game. but i went over my friends house a couple weeks ago and got gta3 and im hiding it from her. but still that game was made in like 01. id like at least vice city. so how should i convince her to let me get it? ive been trying for about 4 years and shes said no or im not talking about it right now. so how do i convince her to let me get gta4 or w/e gta game? thanks




  1. um..i have it im a girl. me and me 3 brothers share it. lemme tell you this.. after a week it got old! and fast. not worth $60!

  2. Dude GTA is nothing like real life lol

    If you have money, you could try just buying it, or asking a friend's parent to do so

    If that doesn't work, buy it from an online store (you'll need a credit card)

    As for actually convincing your mum, Try to strike a deal with her (do the dishes for a month or some c**p xD)

    Good luck! It sucks to be out of the loop D:

  3. get one of your older friends or realatives to but it for you.

  4. Hahha i love that game, a lot.

    But after a while i stopped playing, it was a phase.

    Maybe borrow it from a friend while they're away or smething

    and if not, just beg your mom.

    Just let her know everyone plays that game cause its just fun to drive around, and the killing of people is so unreal...

    even though we know thats teh whole part of the game...

    She doesnt need to know that =]

  5. im also 15 yrs old, and i was in  the exact same situation as u r. i cud not convince my mum , i tried everything but it still didn't work.


    u cud get a tv in  ur room.

    order gta 4 on amazon or ebay.

    connect ur xbox/ps3 to ur tv in ur room

    but i dont think u cud hide that forever.

    btw sry this isnt a great answer cos i hav the same probelm. :(

    hoped i helped lol  

  6. Do you really not understand why your mother doesn't want you playing games dipicting felons and killing whores, etc? Then you're not as responsible as you say.

    And then when you say "all my friends have it", well, that makes you sound like a little boy.

    You know what's "like the closest thing to life"? LIFE. Get off the couch and go experience it. If life is being a criminal to you, I hope you like prison. Bubba will like you.

    What mom says goes. Move out at 18 and waste all your time on video games then. If you can't respect her wishes, you are even more immature.

    You overuse "like". It's one thing to speak like a valley girl but another to type that way.

  7. 1.) GTA is stupid

    2.) If your mom says no she means no. All you can do is wait. Just like all of us who have to wait until we are 18 to do whatever we want.  

  8. your not legaly old enough just like me but my brothers 18 and he had gfa baught for him at 14 it has swearing and vilance its a realy cool game my brother has it on xbox 360 i watched him play it i like san andrasa better so i play i on the ps2 lol

  9. Haha, I guess that buying it without her knowing is the best way, ask your dad if he accepts, or maybe your grandparents, uncle, aunt, etc? I have all the GTA's myself, well almost, and there really isn't much of sexuality in it as they say. However, there is a LOT of bad words. But if your mom is that protective, I guess that at the end of the rope it will pay off, so listen to her ;)!

  10. First of all, how do you figure that it is ANYTHING like real life?

    It is just a game, and you are only 14 so if your mom says no, just suck it up and get over it. She probably has her reasons, whether you agree with them or not. I know it is frustrating to be "the only one who doesn't have it", but it is not a big deal in the grand scheme of life. In 10 years you won't care or even think about whether or not you had GTA4 at age 14.

  11. this is in pregnancy and parenting...

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