
How do i convince my mom to let me get Grand Theft Auto 4?

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i am only 13




  1. tell her that it'll teach you how do drive a car and a hleicopter.

  2. This is not the answer you want to hear, but you probably won't get it.

    A game that was amazing (and almost just as violent :P) was Mercenaries on the original xbox, with a T for Teen rating. It is the same style as GTA except you fight North Koreans. Its not extremely violent, and you don't beat up on innocent civilians. Still you can steal enemy vehicles, fly, and shoot things. Fully destructible environments, you can level buildings with airstrikes!

    Lucky for you the new one also recieved a T for Teen rating and is only about 2 weeks from being released! The 2nd one features on-line co-op too!

  3. I hope you can't.  I have a 15 yr old and I wouldn't even let him get it... life is too messy and violent...don't start out that way... it will s***w up your brain..

    Mom isn't as dumb as you think!

  4. get a game or something and trade it too one of your friends for gta4 then just play it in your room with the door closed that's how me and my cousins palyed all of them when we were younger

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