
How do i convince my parents for us to move back to Arizona?

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We just moved to peru. but i want to go back, because the weather here has affected my health. And i mean like from being able to do normal things to been bed ridden. I also want to return because i left the boy i love in arizona. We plan on being together again, as he promised.

So my parents do see i've gotten sicker, and my dad plans to do something about of course. but how do i convince them that I or all of us should move back to Arizona?

I'm fifteen, and we are a family of five. I don't have family in arizona, but i have close friends.

please help... i dont have that long :/




  1. just tell them or at least try to tell them how this affect you, and how it feels when your sick

    try to detailed describe how it makes you feel, the best way is geting them to imagine how it feels

  2. You did not tell us why your family moved to Peru in the fiest place. . . is it job-related or ??

    You already told us that your dad is working to get the fam back to AZ; so what you need to do now is be supportive and work together with the family.

    Emotions control how we feel; and it could be that you are feeling ill because you are freaked out about your b/f in AZ finding another gal.

    I cannot imagine that your parents would not take you to a doctor, as sick as you claim to be.

  3. tell them you want to move back and if you dont then you want to live with a family member there because you feel sick and nothing is good for you in peru.

    but sounds good to me........i'd LOVE to move to peru.


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