
How do i convince my parents???

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ok. i am 12 yrs old and i am going to florida in april during spring break. we have annual passes to disney and universal (extra non annual tickets too). we also have a house there. but we drive there in a big conversion van(very nice w/ flat screen, back seat turns into a bed). now the thing is, my 13th birthday is during spring break. i reeeaaallllly want my bff to come with us. we dont ever get sick of eachother. we have hung out 2 weeks straight and came up with things to do everyday. i just think that it would be sooooooooo fun to bring her!!! her parents most likely wouldnt care either!! i asked my parents and the said maybe but how to make that "maybe", a "yes"? my mom adores my friend also so its not like my parents dont like her either.




  1. give them time to think it over then explain why it is so important to you and if you have additional bday request cut them out because they may be considering the expense of caring for the additional person

  2. Your friend should really talk to her parents and it might be a bit much for your parents to handle. They may have just wanted a holiday with the family. Just ask again and say you have to know so your friend can ask her parents and get organised. Good luck

  3. GiVe yR mOm a PrEsEnt mAkE HeR c00Kie$ & gIvE hEr A BaTH

  4. As "Mummy2Lu . . ." said, your parents may have wanted simply a family vacation so they can get close to their kids and each other after a long period of being so busy with daily activities that they seem to lose the very people that are so important to them.  And, as "Mummy" also says, it may be a bit costly for your friend to come along.  Being 12, even going on 13, you aren't aware beyond counting the numbers, just how expensive each individual is on a trip.  Being a parent myself, I'm acutely aware of the added expense, not just because it costs more money but even moreso because it takes away money that we could spend directly on our own kids whom we love so  much.  So read what "Mummy" says.  She knows a lot.  I don't know "Mummy", but I know what being a parent is all about, my son being 24 now, and my daughter 22.  God Bless you.

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