
How do i convince my parents to get a dog?????????//?

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ok im 15 and my sister is 5 and we both want a yorkie. we live in a apartment so yorkies are suitable there i checked we're both good with dogs but my parents on the other hand are not. my dad simply hates dogs and thinks that their drooling is distgusting and says they're a waste of money on buying food and stufff for something thats not important to have and can easily give away. my mom is deathly afraid of ever dog even a small one like a chiuauah. and she like my dad is distgusted by them. but i really want a dog i also thought ALOT about it n volunteered to do everything for it like give it a bath brush its teeth walk and on winters my parents say its not healthy to go out on winters for a walk so i decided to hire a dog walker but my parents still say no :( what else can i do i also know a veterian whos our friend




  1. Demonstrate to you parents how responsible you can be and how devoted you will be to your animal by volunteering at your local animal shelter.  That will also give your parents an opportunity to come by the shelter and see if they will warm up to the idea of letting you get a pet.  Then if they still say no you can still spend lots of time with many wonderful dogs that just need people to love them.  

  2. Maybe you can spend some time volunteering at a local shelter.  Then you will have a better understanding of why you shouldn't get a dog and you'll also be able to be around them all the time.  I'm sorry, but at 15 and living at your Parent's home, I have to agree with them.  The world is full of dogs that are now homeless because young people could not keep their promises of walking it, and feeding it.  Then there is a host of other things that Dog ownership comes with.  You haven't even mentioned a Vet.  Who is going to pay for that?  And what happens if the Dog you choose is unruly?  Who is going to deal with that?  Surly not you, no matter what you say.  A Dog is not a cute thing to own and cozy up to.  It is a very serious responsibility, that by your information it the post, are simply not ready for.  I'm sorry.

  3. Nothing but wait til you are out on your own. You're parents are not going to budge and thinking anything i or anyone on here is going to have the surefire way to change their SET opinions is setting yourself up for disappointment.

    Their house their rules; tough luck kid

  4. This question pops up many many times a day so I have sent you all the questions that have been ask on Yahoo Q&A about convincing parents to let them have a dog.  Each question has several answers so you will have a chance to see thousands of answers to your question.

  5. tell them alot about yorkies well i wouldnt get a yorkie considering that your parents hate dogs. cause they yap. get a shih tzu just like yorkies but they dont yap and theyre easy to take care of. i have one shes such a lazy butt. but when you play with her shes adorable. they dont shed. they dont slobber. they love giving kisses. but my shorkie is a yapper

  6. you cant *do* anything. your parents say no and you have to live with it. its not a matter of YOU wanting a dog. its a matter of the fact that your dad doesn't like dogs and your mom is afraid of them. its their household. therefore they make the rules. they are the parents. and they will be the ones paying for it and caring for it once the novelty of it wears off and you realize how much work it is. and quite frankly you are being inconsiderate of the fact that your mother is deathly afraid of dogs. if she is so afraid then getting a dog is a terrible idea. and pushing the matter just to get your way is selfish. doesn't even seem like you care about your parents.  

  7. well dogs help to show responsibility and getting a dog may help the family get over the fear/and hate of them. go to a rescue centre and get an older dog for they are house trained and are quieter.

    it is good that you have a vet friend cause they can give a bit of advice if things go a little wrong.

  8. If your dad hates them THAT MUCH and your mom is scared of them THAT MUCH you're not going to get a dog no matter what you try to do.

  9. Mom is scared and dad is not a dog person.  That means NO DOG!  Wait until you are on your own before taking on a 15 year commitment to an animal.  Asking mom and dad to do it 3 years before you are out of the house is just rude and inconsiderate.

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