
How do i convince my parents to let me get a 50cc scooter?

by  |  earlier

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they are worried that i will die or lose limbs




  1. be really nice to them and tell them u love them and when their in a good mood ask very nicely

  2. Assuming your are of legal age and want to buy a scooter of legal size to ride on the public roads act like a responsible person and point out the advantages of you having your own transportation

  3. I'd tell them this:

    If you don't get the scooter, it is likely that at some point as you get older you will decide you want to ride. Maybe in 5, maybe 10, maybe 20 years time. At that time it is almost certain you will be looking at getting a bigger, faster, and heavier bike than a 50cc scooter.  So either you learn now, on a slow safe bike, or your parents have the worry of you stepping onto a big bike with no experience in a few years time, where the potential to damage life and limb is so much greater.

    The key to winning this argument is getting them to agree that  it is not a case of "if" you ride, but a case of "when" you ride. Then it becomes about "how can I do this as safely as possible?" - after all, neither you nor your parents want to see you hurt/injured.

  4. Good on gas. :o)

  5. I can understand your parents completely.

    Now  please do something to prove that you are very "nice" boy, and tell them you love it very much and you can take care of yourself carefully.

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