
How do i convince my parents to let me get a lap top?

by  |  earlier

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ok before you say " you don't need one. or your spoiled" just know that i'm not spoiled and this is something that i really want.

i'm 14 and going into my freshmen year of high school. i really want a mac book for christmas. but i don't think my parents will go for that.

we only have one computer in our family but my sister my mom and i are the only ones that use it. my sister is only a year younger than me and we are probably going to have to use the computer at the same time this year for homeowrk and stuff.

i really think i need a place where i can put all of my own files and projects with out anyone else's stuff on it. also i would take aim of my family computer so it would be a lot faster. i'm trying to think of more reasons to convince my parents.

can you think of any reasons that would help my parents understand why i need a laptop???

my cousin is a year older than me and she is getting one cuz she said her freshmen year she needed a place to keep her notes for school and that it would really help. so maybe i can let my aunt talk to my parents.




  1. ok,i am a grown up (you'd probably call me an old lady) and maybe here's a suggestion to appeal to the financial side of their perspective...since i just got my 1st computer ever and i'm 50 i have seen quite a few young people who have started small businesses using their computer...just the other day i saw a 14-yr old who buys stock in the the shoes he wears...have you done any research into something that could bring you profit? there something that you are particularly good at?...or something you can market or sell if you had a computer? about even selling your family's yard sale items on ebay?...or for that matter having a yard sale yourself and using the $ to buy your own mac?...if you appeal to them in a way that makes it look like you "don't just want something for nothing", it will go a long way towards your argument for needing your own mac...; i hope this helps you and have a great day,cindi

  2. I would not buy a laptop for a kid. To easy to destroy. Ask for a Mac Mini and cheap monitor, keyboard, speakers, etc. That should make it easier to get because it'll be much cheaper.

  3. By the time you really need a Lap Top the one you think you need now will be obsolete.

    They are expensive.

    You may want one bad enough to want to beg or ask on here. But if you really considered it level headed like your parents may be considering it then you would be happy with the computer you are using.

    Think about it. It is always I want.

  4. I am afraid, you can't force them Twp buy an laptop. But you could do chores, like taking out the garbage, and the recycleables every day. In the morning make your bed, do not leave clothing laying all around your bedroom. Clean it up each morning.

  5. your only 14 you dont need one..i thought you were a college student

  6. well i never read all of ur story but im 14 nd a boy nd mac laptops cost about a £1000 expensive but y dnt u go 2 carphone ware house nd get 1 4 3 nd just pay 4 ur internet

  7. This is a sure fire way, get a job, save your money, and buy it your self. Then they can't say no, and you have showed them you are responsible enough to handle having one all on your own.  

  8. tell your aunt!! ima be a sofomore so i would know that you do need a computer especially with internet!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Mac's are overpriced and not that user friendly.  We have one and unless you are going to be doing something in graphics then an HP or compaq will do.  If you are really set on getting a laptop why not offer to contribute towards it.  You are 14 and able to earn a small amount of pocket money. Show your parents that you are able to compromise as this shows maturity.  Be also aware that your parents are not made of money even if you think they are.

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