
How do i convince my parents to let me go clubbing? ?

by  |  earlier

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where i live there is a night club but its for over 18s yet most of the people from my class go and we are only15 how can i convince my parents to let me go?




  1. Mission Failed. If you were 18 and they were being too over-protective and not letting you go, then I would offer suggestions. But you're 15. Worry about graduating with top honors to get into a good college than going clubbing.

  2. if your parents are smart they can't be convinced. hate my answer i don't care but your too dam young to be going to clubs. i know you think that cause your 15 your old enough but the truth is you aren't and the fact that your classmates are going isn't a good enough reason. just listen to your parents and thank god that they care enough about you to not let you go.  

  3. well you can do the whole "i'm responsible" thing.

    or you can just say "thank you for caring enough to tell me no"

  4. you shouldn't want to go . .

  5. Your parents are making sure you don't get knocked up or anything along those lines.

  6. They're lying. It's no way kids that young can get into a club.

  7. Do yourself a favor and grow up first you have your whole life to party if thats what you feel is important in your life.

  8. Dose them with sleeping pills and then go. They won't remember a thing... (and yes I'm just kidding, but really I don't know)

  9. You don't. It's an over 18 club for a reason. If you want to go, I don't see anyway you could possible convince your parents.

    Be sneaky sneaky ;)

  10. ur not gonna be able to lol if you wanna be a defiant little girl just sneak out

  11. Yeah I agree with darko..there looking out for your best interest. Dont be in such a hurry to grow up.

  12. just ask if they say yes then yay for u if they say no ur screwed

  13. It is probably not a good idea to go to a club when you are underage. There a plenty of other activities for a 15 yr old to be doing. Enjoy your age and youth while you are still able to.

    Anyway, it may be plenty difficult to convince your parents to let you go to a club which has an age restriction. I would not waste the breath unless your parents are extremely gullible.  

  14. 15 year olds don't need to be clubbing. It's where guys and girls go to meet up. Your parents are being great parents by looking out for you. It may seem like it's unfair or they're wrong now, but when you're in college and have a bright future and your friends are single mothers working at fast food places, you'll thank your parents 100 times over. You've got 18 and up to have fun. Right now, get good grades and enjoy being young.

  15. Your parents are looking out for you in your best interest.  You have no business hanging out w/ 18 year olds who are looking to hook up at a club.

  16. you dont need to, ur too young and you will get in trouble easily

  17. Lie to them and tell them your going somewhere else then find out where you other friends go then go have fun!!

  18. Usually, if parents are against things like that they won't listen to reason, and I bet loads of people reply to this and say you're too young to go clubbing. Generally if you want to go clubbing when you're too young you don't tell your parents unless they are the type you can be honest with... if they are tell them that your friends have been there a few times and you wanted to go with them.

    Good luck!

  19. yea right that is a double no what are you thinking young lady

  20. You should not be going illegally to a club like that (yes, it IS a legal matter, not crappy club rules). You should also listen to your parents.

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