
How do i convince my parents to let me got a lip ring?

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i am 13

my mom says no to anything but my ears pierced

i want a lip ring more than anything

i think theyre awesome

i have 67 dollors so i can pay for it

idk why they wont let me get one.. plz help!!




  1. cus your 13 and its irresponsible for your mom to let you get one and probably not even legal.

    im pretty sure 14 is the youngest you can get a piercing, and its like 16 - 18 for your lip.

    stop thinking your all emo and scene and c**p and do something with your life.

  2. Listen to your mom.  There is no way you're going to convince her.

  3. I think it's a matter of patience.You should try to convince your parents in a very polite manner & make sure they understand your feelings.I hope once they understand , they will allow you.


  4. Get a job, move out, make your own rules and THEN get your lip pierced.

    Until then: their house, their rules.

  5. im 14 and wanna get something on my face parents dont find it as cool as i dont really know wut 2 tell ya, other then ur not alone:/

  6. Parents aren't usually open about issues like this. Try and make a deal with them. Like if you get good grades you can get it for your birthday present.

    I was going to get mine when I was 14 for Christmas but I got a D in science and it kind of messed that whole plan up

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