I am a pretty experianced rider, I ride EVERY tuesday and help ou around the barn. I love horses and know so much about them. I'm trying to save up money for my own, i currently have $170. I KNOW the costs of a horse, and how to take care of them, and everything. But, we would have to board it and my parents don't want to pay for monthly board and they aren;t even thinking about it. Should i just give up on wanting a horse cause iv'e wanted one now for a year and theres NO progress. My parents don't even want me leasing. They say that if they want me to have a horse they'd buy me one. But still, they won't give me an EXACT answer and its ticking me off. But yet sad at the same time. My dad told me straight out "NO" with no explination why, and it hurt so much. Pease help!