
How do i convince people that guns aren't evil?

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Very hard to put together an arguement to help prove guns arne't evil.

All i got are some lines from Lord of War "Car dealers and (other thing he mentioned) don't talk about their jobs and their products kill more people in a year then guns do" Which is true considering MVA do kill more people then guns in a year. Also tobaco and alcahole related violence. But that's it i can't come up with anything else.




  1. there's an old saying "guns don't kill people, people kill people" so tell them that evil people should not play with guns

  2. It's usually one of those things that just isn't worth arguing. If somebody is dead set on believing that guns are evil, you won't be able to change their mind because anything you bring up, the anti-gun groups have lots of 'studies' to counter.

    If it is a close friend or relative that is just insure about guns or afraid of them, I've always had a positive response by taking them to the range with me one day. I always give them long safety briefs and explain everything they need to know. I give them a demo, and then tell them to relax and have fun. They usually walk away from the experience pleasantly surprised by how much they enjoyed it.

  3. Although I have this weird attraction towards guns; you can't really convince anyone. Guns has been given a stereotypical notion that they're harmful. Also, guns are connected to war, therefore war is "evil". Guns don't fire themselves, people fire guns. I suggest just do research and choose your words wisely.  

  4. There are currently no weapons that automatically decide to point and fire on civilians by using Artificial Intelligence.  This means that a gun is an object without consciousness.  We know this.  Guns do not shoot themselves off.   They still require a human to make that decision.

    Because weapons require human interaction, the responsibility then falls on the human to conduct themselves responsibly.  It's my experience that people say "Guns are Evil" because it's a situation beyond their control.  Fear maybe?  It is more tactful and appropriate to 'shoot a horse' than physically beat it to death.

    If all criminals started stabbing each other with pencils, there will be people who say Pencils are Evil, and every test-taking school student is now evil too?

    There's no better argument than to direct the blame back where it belongs.  Humans USE weapons.   Humans are therefore responsible for their actions.  Guns are inanimate objects with no free-will or thought process.  Guns and weapons also have no soul, emotions, or rationalization to make good or bad decisions.

    Person says, "Guns are Evil".

    You reply with, "Yes, I would rather beat you with my fists"

  5. It's simple,

    Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

    When's the last time you seen a gun get up and go out and kill someone all by themselves.

    If we ban huns people will use knives, we ban knives people will use baseball bats.

    The problem is people not guns.

  6. If people refuse to see your point of view, threaten them with a gun.  If they still won't come round, shoot them.

  7. Point out the fact that more people are killed from stabbings that shootings.  

  8. I grew up right near DC and the 80s crack wars were crazy.  I was a proponent of gun control and assault weapons bans and all that jazz.

    After I joined the Army and actually fired weapons and dealt with them on a daily basis I realized they're just chunks of metal that don't do anything but sit there.  (Sounds stupid I know but I never touched a weapon or anything until I joined the Army, sometimes you just have to see these things for yourself I guess.)

    Best argument would be to take anti-gun crowd to a shooting range and let them squeeze off a few rounds.  And see that weapons are safe when handled properly and professionally.

  9. Perhaps you could start visiting prisons and delivering your speech to the inhabitants thereof.

      Lessee, you could tell about going rabbit hunting with your dad and happened to kill a few puppies while joking and drinking coffee.

      And, lessee, maybe you could tell about the time you gut shot a deer and watched while hunting dogs, allowed in Virginia, to attached themselves with their teeth to the intestines of the deer while the deer frantically tried to run away with other dogs hanging from her sides.  By the way, any fawn are often chewed up so badly by the hunting dogs,  that they're useless for meat if they're following their mother, the doe's.

      Anyway, after your lecture to the prisioners maybe you could look up the folks who have had their children, mothers, fathers, sisters or brothers killed in drive by shootings?  That may be another approach.  How about the little three year old girl who found a gun under a matress and shot her face off?  That may help!!!!

    If I can help any further, keep in touch.

  10. guns dont kill people, people kill people?

    well when u have a gun, its easier to kill a person in a physical and in emotional way, most of the ppl who cud shoot someone, wudnt b able to take a chainsaw and cut someone in pieces

    as for selling guns to everybody as it is done in us, well im not even talkin bout those ppl with lack of responsibility who can get the gun used by accident, well its more like any psycho can get a gun for like 100 bucks n go outside shooting ppl, thts wht happened a lot of times there already and u do nothing about it. weird to me

  11. You are wasting your time... the stupid "I'd never own a gun... I'd call nine one one so I could be dead, dead, dead" crowd is too dumb to understand that a gun in the hands of an honest person can be a GOOD thing.

    The Anti-gun crowd is so typical of the AmeriKan mentality that EVERYONE should conform to what THEY believe... THEY are right and everyone else is wrong... and they are too stupid to realize that the only thing standing between THEM and a government that WANTS TO ENSLAVE THEM...  is the fact that AmeriKa is an ARMED COUNTRY... the founding fathers knew this, which is why the second amendment exists.

    How anyone can possibly be stupid enough to believe that he Bush Administration would NOT HAVE ENSLAVED the people if there were no guns in the hands of the average Amerikans is too stupid to argue with.

  12. Guns don't kill people.

    People kill people.

  13. Gun's don't kill people, the idiot's that get hold of them and try and act cool do. As long as you know what you're doing you're OK. Although I don't agree with Civilian's being allowed to have weapon's, but they can't ban it now for obvious reason's.

  14. Tell Them That A Gun Is For Self Defence,It Is A Weapon That Can Save You In Life Threatening Situations,If Someone Messes Up With You You Can Get Rid Of Him By Using Your Gun.etc

  15. im typing with my son in my lap so bear withme. the best argument is that if it wasnt for the second amendmant we wouldnt be able to up hold any other amendmant or the constitution. Without weapons we have no way to protect ourselves or the things and ideas that we hold closest to us. If the government was to take away guns then only the government would be the only ones with guns (ie in the military) this means that one guy with a machine gun could easliy put entire towns in their place and get those people to do whatever they want because they have all the power. It like if the government was to say hey im going to put you and your family in this box and we wil give you everythig you need, food, water, closthes, we will give you anything you could possibly need, just get in the box and we will lock you in there and even keep you safe and protected. Once your in the box you cant get out. So now you bought thier bs and your stuck in the box and they can choose what to do with you and how. If they dont wantto feed you they dont have to ... great. If we have ways to protect ourselves nothing like that could happpen. Its an extreme example but still holds true. They have even done studies where they gave everyone in a town a gun to keep in thier home and crime went down to almost nothing. whose stupid enough to break into a home where everyone is packing? then you have places like DC where guns are banned and the crime rate is sky high. When you outlaw guns the only people with guns are outlaws. Guns can be dangerous but if you take course like your supposed to and expose yourslef and your family to them you can prevent gun accidents and create respect for the power that a firearm has. There will always be people who use guns inappropriatly but that doesht mean the guns are bad, people are.

  16. Tell them Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than your guns have!!

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