
How do i copy and paste a picture form my pictures file without a red x?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to copy and paste a picture in my email, but I keep getting a blank box with a red x when I paste it. What can I do?




  1. T o send a picture in an e-mail, most likely you have to send it as an attachment.  If you're using Yahoo! Mail, then this is how it has to be done.

  2. In Yahoo you have to send all pictures as attachments. Yahoo will not allow you to embed pictures (aside from their emoticons of course). To send as an attachment just click "Attach" then "Browse" then ok.

    In Outlook Express, if you want to embed the picture, click the little "picture" icon above the text space (it looks like a scene of a mountain with a sun). This should take you directly to your picture files. Now click on the picture you want to embed.

    Now click "Open"


    The red x demon can be conquered! Just make sure your email server is compatible with the type of picture you are trying to send. jpg and gif pics are generally pretty safe bets. bmp may cause problems.

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