
How do i correct my swing if i am coming over the top?

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How do i correct my swing if i am coming over the top?




  1. Try bending your knees.

  2. are you right handed? do full practice swings with your left hand only. this will help you come down more inside and stop you from the over the top.

  3. I try to keep my left arm straight on the downswing and remember not to come up with my left knee too early.  Or maybe you're positioning the ball a little too much in front of you.  Happy golfing!

  4. Right elbow "in" and "extend swing" in direction of target.

  5. Keep your right elbow(if you're right handed) close to your body and extend your arms at impact.

  6. there is a couple of good drills to try

    1) when you start your down swing try to hit your back foot with the club. You want be able to but it will give you the thought process of trying to come on the inside for you the top. You usually cast,go over the top,because there is nowhere else for your swing to go as you are already to far inside.

    2) Put a cardboard box parallel with your golf ball,about 75mm away,on the far side,  in the direction of your target. When you swing you should not hit the box. If you hit the start of the box,before the ball, it means your are coming over the top. If you hit the box after hitting the ball your are coming from to far inside.

    3) See your local PGA pro he should help

    good golfing

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