
How do i correct the parallelism in this sentence??

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*Diane works as a nurse and is volunteering as a firefighter.

*Judy was strong, optimistic and a woman of courage.

I'm suppose to re write the sentence, but i'm kind in ?? as to how. Once given an example i'm sure I could figure it out from there...




  1. Diane works as a nurse and volunteers as a firefighter.  (Both verbs in simple present)

    Judy was strong, optimistic, and courageous.  (Changed to all adjectives)  

    PS:  Say, "I am supposed to correct these."

  2. I'm really not good at this, but here's some helpful information to get you started, the link is below the text.

    Faulty parallelism occurs when the elements put into pairs and series "go in different directions" because they do not have the same form. In other words, nouns should be coordinated with nouns, verbs with verbs, adjectives with adjectives, adverbs with adverbs, phrases with phrases, and clauses with clauses. To check for faulty parallelism it is often useful to underline or otherwise mark parallel (coordinate) elements. Following are three common types of faulty parallelism: faulty pairs, the shifted series, and the "and who" or "and which" construction.

    Faulty Pairs:

            Faulty: Few people were aware of his fear or how unhappy he was.  (noun with noun clause)

    Correct: Few people were aware of his fear or his deep unhappiness.  (noun with noun)

    Correct:  Few people were aware of how much fear he felt or how unhappy he was.  (clause with clause )

    Correct:  Few people were aware of how fearful and unhappy he was.  (adjective with adjective)

    Faulty: Sam won applause from his audience with "Happy Days Are Here Again" and singing other old, familiar songs.  (noun [= song title] with ing-form and its object)

    Correct: Sam won applause from his audience by singing "Happy Days Are Here Again" and playing other old, familiar songs.  (ing-form and object with ing-form and object)

    Correct:  Sam won applause from his audience by singing "Happy Days Are Here Again" and other old, familiar songs. (noun with noun)

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