
How do i create a chatroom bot for a java chatroom?

by  |  earlier

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can someone please tell me a software i can use to create a simple bot to advertise on a specific chat site...the site is kaputa chat at local chatroom in my country. Before i enter the room i just have to enter a user id name thats it. it is not very secure like yahoo and dont need to enter any scrambled code to get in. someone please tell me the simplest way to do this. thanks




  1. Most hate chatroom bots and I frankly don't know why you do this. What exactly do you expect? People here will teach you how to code a chatroom bot so that you can ruin a chatroom? Who cares if it is in Sri Lanka?

    And do you think the chatroom users will be pleased to read your advertisement and be impressed enough to buy whatever you are advertising. Sticking posters on walls is a better way.  

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