
How do i create my own website for free and earn a lot of cash with web advertising?

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How to do web advertising?




  1. try it gives you a free website for you to make and

    publish for free also try traffic exchanges for advertising for free

  2. there is nothing free in this world.


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  4. You can design web site through ASP.Net,PHP aswellas JSP.When you Design your own website allways think about simplicity ,Attractive and relative Keywords. When visiters came on your Home page they want their required keywords.If they find respective information they visit your site.and then they provide you advertisment. when you get more Advertisment on your site you got money.

  5. You earn cash through adverts because people find your site interesting.  Interesting sites are usually the result of love for the subject and long, hard work.  If your soul reason for making a site is "to earn a lot of cash with web advertising", you'll probably fail in making an interesting site.  Even if you threw yourself upon one of the waves that sweeps the net now and then (like Harry Potter, blogs or social networks); your site based on greed, would pale compared to their site based on love.

    My advice: Find a subject your very interested and knowledgable about (besides money).  Make the best site you can about that subject -- the site *you wish* you'd found about the subject -- and take it from there.  Add *a few simple* adds (remember, most people find adds anoynig), preferbly related to the subject; and maybe an *unintrusive* button to donate (eg. via paypal).  Later, *if the site becomes a hit*, you can put-up more adds, and maybe even have companies *wanting* to have their add on your site.  But the site should *always clearly* be about the subject -- not about adds and you making money.

    First make a great site... *then* you can try to make money out of it!

  6. You can make free website with with free domain and make Add the google ads in it. In this way you can make a cash after some times. Besides this you can use this link for making a cash.

  7. google offers many such opportunities

  8. there are options on web search engins which provide

    u a free site like a blog to creat ur own  & provides web advertising  also. thanx .

  9. Creating a website is very important in on-line earning. You can have a free website on several free providers as mentioned in the other answers.However, if you want credibility for long term business, you must own a domain name and not just settle for sub domains. This is a very basic step that you must do to earn seriously with  lot of cash.

    After you grabbing a free domain, host it in a free web hosting service, build your website, monetize.

    Join affiliate forums to learn  lot. A good one is 5 star affiliate forum.

    Visit for a step by step guide to get a free domain name that you fully control and not just a redirection service.  

  10. You don't. If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it. But the proof is in the pudding.

  11. Your site would need to be so interesting that everyone wants to view it. Once it is people will want to advertise on it.

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