
How do i curb my sons destructive behavoir?

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My son is 3. 4 in December. As long as he has been walking he has been kicking or throwing things. He has never kicked a person. He just likes to kick his toys or buckets on the ground outside...if he can kick it he will. He destroys his toys from throwing them around. I won't buy him anymore new toys because of this. I tell him time and time again what hes' doing is wrong, I explain on his level why its wrong. I've put him in the time outs and taken the toys away... How on Earth can I stop him from throwing and kicking everything!?




  1. find something that he really likes and make him realize that you take it away every time he kicks...such as TV time or a certain toy

  2. Stop giving him anything with sugar or caffeine.If he is throwing his toys around out of anger then hand him a pillow and tell him when he is mad it is O.K. to hit the pillow . Take him to the park more often so he will learn from other kids .There he will see other kids playing with toys and not breaking them, and he will also release all that extra energy.

  3. Spank his behind,THAT WILL get his attention.

    Then get him a kick ball to kick outside and you take him out there the next day and let him know it IS ok to kick this.

    If you cannot control a 3 year old now, you may as well give him up to some one who can do something with him now as opposed to waiting until he hits puberty then it is going to be on especially in his teenage years.

  4. Try channeling that energy into something like soccor (if he likes to kick!), karate, or any other physical activity he would be interested in. He probably just needs a good strong dose of disipline and respect for his and other's property, so an organized sport would be a good learning tool. I was a really bratty kid (or so my mom says) so my parents got me involved in ballet, karate, swimming, and a whole bunch of other things. Even though dance was the only one I stuck with, it was good to have the expirience in a disciplined enviroment, because I'm completely different now! So just make sure he has an outlet for whatever the reason is he kicks things, add a bit of motherly discipline, and things will hopefully get better!

    P.S If for some reason those don't work, literally get on your knees so you see eye to eye, and say "now (fill in boy's name), why are you kicking those nice toy/wall/bookshelf/ect.? It's not a very good idea, because you will get hurt. Now please stop before mommy gets upset with you." Say it so completely  calm that he's taken by surprise and doesn't know what to do with his mom's new found peace and relaxation.

  5. It's ok to whip ur child spare the rod spoil the child do it before he grows up and really beats ur a..!!!

  6. my son was exactly like that last year!

    i learned that he gets all the violent ideas from tv so i had to filter his show options and lessen his tv time as well.

    it also has a lot to do with diet.  if he's into a lot of chocolates, cut down on that.  chocolates make him hyperactive therefore destructive.

    lastly, your son could be bored.  when my boy used to stay at home with his toys for a very long time, he'd get bored and play 'rough' --just to add a little excitement.  unfortunately, his toys paid for it.

    so why not take him to the park?  let him run around for a couple of hours.  he'll most surely mellow down when he comes home to his toys again.

    hope those helped.  btw, my son is 4 now and he's a lot calmer. :)

  7. Punish him. You're obviously not doing it, or at least not doing it properly.  

  8. how 'bout patting him in the hands or his feet. not so hard just enough to make him feel that it hurts but don't make him cry. let him so for a minute. after you've heard him sobbing try hugging him so he won't feel neglected. then try to explain it to him again afterall he's just 3 he barely understands anything

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