
How do i cure summer boredom?????????

by Guest32032  |  earlier

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I am so bored and I dont know what to do!! It is only the beggining of summer and already im like going insane with boredom!!! Somebody help!!




  1. join a club or fitness gym thers tons of activiites to do matter of fact join the ymca im sure theres is one in your area they have tons of things to do for all ages i love that place hit it up

  2. Go to the mall lol. but same its the beginning of summer and I am all ready bored lol~Morgan

  3. Look into volunteering.

  4. Don't you have any friends to hang out with or talk to?  Maybe you could get together and see a movie, or go to an amusement park, or go bowling or play laser tag or something.  How about hanging out at the pool?

    How about going through your pictures and putting together a scrapbook?

    If you are 14 or older, why not get a little part-time summer job and earn some cash to play around with?

    You could even mow lawns or babysit.

    How about volunteering at your local hospital, zoo, or humane society?  Volunteer work is very rewarding and looks great on college applications and job resumes.  I know you might be a little young, but it never hurts to do things now that will have a great positive impact in the future!

    Good luck!

  5. I am guessing that you are looking for a new hobby or craft idea to spend your time doing.  First you need to figure out how much time and money you want to invest in this venture.  Then you need to think about what skills you are best at.  You won't have any fun if you choose to paint, but suck at it.  You can browse craft and hobby sites to get some ideas of what you want to do.  You can also visit stores like Michael's or Hobby Lobby and cruise the aisles to see if anything sparks your interest.  

    It is hard to recommend a hobby to someone you don't know.  It is better that you shop around for something that sparks your interest and you will be much happier.

  6. If you are old enough consider working for a summer camp. If you are not old enough then help

    out around the house or,with your parents permission, work around your neighborhood.

    Wash cars, walk dogs, mow lawns, collect empty

    cans and turn into your recycling center for cash.

    Do some babysitting. Help out at your local Humane Shelter, volunteer at a Senior Citizen

    center,volunteer your time at your local library.

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