
How do i cure vampirism on the Sims 2?

by  |  earlier

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I've called the Matchmaking Service lady but all she does is drop off a magic lamp....i can't click on her at all... and no matter how many times i call her, that's all she does.... HELP ME!!!!




  1. You have a game bug and it was not solved with the official patch.

    Go to this link:

    Download the Gypsy lamp delivery fix. It's highlighted red so you can't miss it. Unzip it and put it in your Downloads folder. Make another call to the Gypsy, she'll drop off one last lamp. After that when you call her she'll start being available for dates and buying potions.

  2. Push shift+ctrl+C to open the cheats menu. Type in:

    boolprop testingcheatsenabled true

    Now shift+click your sim. Click "spawn" then "more" then "sim modder." It is an object that looks like a baby standing up. Click it, and with it, you can do a lot of things, one being curing vampirism.

    Boolprop has the ability to mess up your game if you aren't careful, just a warning. Boolprop was made by the developers and wasn't really meant to be in the game. I'm not responsible for what happens to your game, but I will say that as long as you follow what I told you, you'll be fine; no need to be paranoid.

    If you still can't fix it, try looking up some hacked objects that might do the job. Hacked objects can definitely crash your game, and I learned that the hard way, so if you do decide to do that, be careful.

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