
How do i cut a coconut with its green shell?

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  1. The machete is the tool traditionally used for this. Or you could just use a thin, non serrated knife but it must be incredibly sharp. Do'nt slice but use fast, light chopping actions.

  2. if you want to do a funky drink you slice off the one part until you get a hole big enough to stick a straw in ... but if your trying to take the green part completely off , you strike the middle of the coconut with a knife or something (don't strike too hard or you'll break the inner shell) and while the knife is wedged inside turn the knife to start peeling the outer shell .... hope that helps :P

  3. you can use a large size sharp knife to peel off the green skin! Else you would need to use a "koduval"(asian term), a sharp thing specifically used to cut coconut, found in asia and the pacific.. There are many other instruments that are used for this purpose in the market.. If you dont have any of these, and your coconut is very tender, the best way to cut coconut from green shell is by banging the coconut on a large stone or a very strong hard surface... that would make cracks appear on the green part... then you could peel it using your fingers..

  4. I used to live in hawaii so i had to do this alot. you can take a sharp object that is strong like a s***w drivier or a crow bar and wedge it into the green part, then you pull down and peel off.  

  5. I'm not sure but that's a very good question

  6. The basic problem is getting the husk off. Look at the "sharp/pointy" end, you'll notice that there are three sections. The best way is to cut the three sections of the husk down to the "nut" with a machete or a hatchet (be careful not to break the nut which is located more towards the blunt end), then peel back the three sections of husk. They will be hard to start but should be easier as you pull them back. When you get the nut out, you will notice three "eyes" - poke holes in two of them (one will be hard) and drain the milk out. The milk is best when the coconut is slightly green - the meat is best when completely ripe. After draining the milk, I usually use a hammer to crack the nut open, sometimes it is difficult to pull the meat away from the shell, depending on the ripeness. Good luck, have fun. It's not easy but gets easier, as most things do, after you do it a few times.

    Edit: BTW, when you say green, I hope there's some yellow/brown on it also - all three colors should be there to some degree - if it's all green, it's not ripe - if it's all brown, it's toast. The more brown/yellow (to a point) the better the meat. The more green/yellow (to a point) the better the milk. There's a fine line between when both the milk and the meat are concurrently "good". This also coincides with when it's easiest to open. If it's mostly green the husk is very moist and the fibres hold together tightly. When it's mostly brown the fibres are dried out and very tough.

  7. I'm from Dominican Republic and in my country they cut the top with a machete or a strong knife...then u drink the juice then cut it in half then eat the inside...

  8. Fresh coconut? My favorite! Use a good sharp machete or heavy knife. (I suppose a cleaver would work).

    Hold coconut at the bottom, firmly with your left hand (Brace against a fence or rock (you need to do this outside). With one or two sharp whacks of the machete, cut the top of the coconut off.

    Drink the milk straight out. Then either route out the inside with a knife or whack the thing in half with your machete and gouge out the coconut flesh as you would a melon.

    Wish I was there, but then you'd need two coconuts.

    Bon apetit.

  9. Videos:

    Watch this guy:

    He makes it look so easy:

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