
How do i cut my sidebangs??

by  |  earlier

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i just got my hair cut and i got blended in sidebangs and she cut them about to my nose but now theyre all the way down to my chin and i want to cut them shorter but i want to cut them more like this.

can anyone give my directions how?




  1. i got my hair cut like the first picture a while ago, and the person that cut my hair pulled them to the other side and cut them so they looked like they would go on that side..but then she swept them back over and the looked good.. hope that makes sense!!!

  2. take it to a pro but like if you cut them the length you want them then part them real far then just keep doing that thats what i did

  3. I suggest you go back to the salon or another one, side bangs can be tricky to cut.  

  4. 1. angle the scissors and chop down the bangs and it should shorten them up.

    2. Or go back to the hair salon and have them cut em shorter.


  5. Go to the hairdresser!!! Just ask for fringe trim. I do them for £2, whatever that is in dollars. Just say you only need that trimming, fringes always grow out quicker. Don't do it to yourself or you might end up paying alot more to get it fixed!

  6. i like this one

  7. i would just recommend getting it done at a salon to be on the safe side

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