
How do i deactivate my firearm?

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How do i deactivate my firearm?




  1. Depending on the type of firearm, you could either remove the firing pin or the bolt. My brother bought an old military rifle years ago that had a cracked receiver, and he wanted to make it a wall-hanger, but make sure no one ever tried to convert it back into shooting shape, so he welded the bolt in place.  

  2. take the bullets out and put a trigger lock on it

  3. You could always take it to a licensed firearms dealer and have him send it to me.

    If you want instructions on how to do it, you need to tell us what kind of firearm you have.  The answer will vary greatly depending on type.


  4. 1. Point the gun in the air

    2. Fire gun repeatedly until no more bullets fire

    3. Done

    PS: remember to yell Yeee-haw while doing step 2.

  5. Take out the firing pin.  

  6. You are not clear on exactly what you mean by "deactivate".  Do you mean that you want to make it so that it cannot be fired?  If that is the case, simply removing the firing pin will accomplish that.  If you want to permanently deactivate it, you may need to take it to a gunsmith and have a plug welded in the barrel.  Rather than doing that, which makes it worthless, I'd take it to a gun shop and sell it to them.  Lastly, if by "deactivate" you mean to temporarily make  it unusable so that unauthorized hands cannot accidentally fire it, you can remove the bolt or just open the action and thread one of the cable locks through the action so that the gun cannot be used.  Then when you are ready to use it, all you have to do is to remove the lock.

  7. what do YOU mean my deactivate it?

    I'd suggest pulling the firing pin, then filling the chamber and barrel with molten lead, except to truely deactivate a firearm you must damage it in such a way it cannot be altered so it could fire again without MAJOR rework, and I cannot think of any good reason any firearm should be treated that way.

    Sell it, buy an airsoft replica

  8. First you need to be sure that thing is not loaded. After you do that, take it to a sporting goods store, a REAL one not Wal-mart, and ask someone there for help.

  9. By "deactivate", I assume you mean "render it useless from now on".

    The surest way is to melt it down, but seeing as how most people don't have a blast furnace in their garage, you can remove the firing pin on most guns.    You could also hammer the barrel flat (may require a BIG hammer), that would be the next best thing to melting.

    Of course, you could just transfer it to some responsible gun owner like me!  :-)

  10. If you TOTALLY want to deactivate it, I would remove the firing pin. THat would render the weapon useless until the pin is replaced.

  11. So, the assumption here is that you are simply a novice or non - shooter that has acquired a firearm and this is at least a semi - serious question.

    As Doc said below to get specifics we would need to know what sort of gun it is. In fact, we would also need to know what you think "deactivate" means.

    However, different shooting organizations all have approximately the same description of what making a gun "safe" means. I'll lay that out here:

    1) Unload the firearm.

    2) Make certain that it is not in "ready to fire" configuration. Generally performed by "dry firing" the gun (meaning going through the action of firing the gun with no bullets in it - make sure barrel is pointed in a safe direction.)

    3) Store in a way that the trigger is not accessible (generally in a box or holster.)

    Depending on the type of gun, this is performed differently. For example, with a semi - automatic pistol, you would drop the magazine, rack the slide back with no magazine, show that the breach is clear, drop the slide and dry fire. For a pump shotgun, this may means racking the slide repeatedly until all of the rounds are cycled out of the gun, with finger off the trigger and gun pointed in a safe direction, and then when empty dry firing the shotgun.

    That's it. (Some will argue with step 2, and say that you should leave the breech open as opposed to dry firing the gun. It isn't a great way to store the gun and more for short term, such as in a practice session where the gun needs to be left exposed for some reason.)

    Now, there are a number of things that you can do beyond this, some of which have been mentioned, here are a few examples:

    1) Put in a trigger lock. (this is something that fits in your trigger guard and prevents someone from pulling the trigger)

    2) Field strip the gun (generally for semi - autos or bolt action rifles) which is a form of disassembly.

    3) Remove firing pin or bolt (for those guns that have them), another form of disassembly.

    4) File the firing pin down so it cannot engage ammunition. This is a "hard" modification to the firearm and will require having the part replaced for the firearm to ever shoot again.

    But getting further into these will depend on what you mean by "deactivate".

  12. deactivate there are 2 ways i take this question

    1.make where children cant get ahold of it= removeing bullets locking them up in separate safes jammed and you need to know how to fix that just points away and reecock

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