
How do i deal with a mean 10 yr old?

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my friend is out of the country for 3wks.she left her 2 daughters in my care,a 10 and 11 yr old.the mum will be a week tommorow since she left.pretty much i have been keeping my cool as the ten yr old made it clear that she dont like my son.she did not say it,but the things she did made it do i handle her?my baby is 2 yrs old and he really is very cool boy.he is no stress,and thats my only son and child.the 10yr old kept yelling and sending him to his room.the 11yr old said he did not do nothing to her,she was just irritated and having him in the living room with them!!!how mean!these kids are guest in my house...what do i do?




  1. I would explain to them that they are your guests, and they need to respect you, your son, your house, and everything in it. And if they don't understand that, their mother shouldn't have left them with you. But whatever you do, don't try to have them bond. It could result in violence.

  2. I would explain to them that they are guests in your house and they need to be more respectful.

    Whatever you do, don't leave them alone with your son.

  3. Send that rude little kid to her room!!  Tell her this is your son's house, not hers, and that he can play anywhere he wants.

    She's obviously threatened because there is a younger and cuter kid around.  It's your house, and your son, and therefore you should be sticking up for him.

    I wouldn't worry about her mother getting upset about you disciplining her child - I mean, she did leave them with you for 3 weeks - so she should expect that you will be having to dish out some punishment.

    Time out is all you can do though - You could try explaining, but this kid doesn't sound like it's going to sink in too well!

  4. Explain to her that when u r a guest in someone elses house u have to respect them and who ever else lives there. But if that does not work try to make them work together and do some fun things where all of u r having fun to show her what a great boy he really is. and if that doesnt work call her mom she is sure to give her little girl a piece of her mind!! But work with her and your son maybe there is more to the story! and make sure that u listen to what she has to say before just flat out blaming her. but do something that makes them have to work together! hope i helped a little bit!

  5. Take a look at how the 10 year old sees it.  Here's a little boy whose getting love and affection from his mom.  Her mom is gone for a pretty long time ( to a 10 year old).  I think if you try to get the girl involved in the daily routine of your little one (under your supervision) she will be ok.  Also, help her because I think she is struggling with her mom being away.

  6. why arent you treating them like you would if they were yours..would you allow your childfren to act this way to another child and if not, what would you do about the parent..thats what your being entrusted to act the parent!

  7. Put the baby to sleep and gently explaine to them that missbehavior like this is not wanted in your house!...Tell them that if they do not stop what they are doing you will allow them to not do anything!...After call their mother and explaine what has been going on....let her deal with would be best if she could talk to both of them...then try bonding with them take them to the park let them bond with your will no next time not to watch these kids

  8. You tell her flat out that if she is mean to him SHE can go to another room with no TV, computer, DVD player, music. NOTHING. She might be a guest but she needs to learn some manners.

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