
How do i deal with him?2?

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There is this kid who sits next to me he talks about disgusting stuff, does disgusting stuff and pokes me with his pencil and gives me wasps and everything. he also really offends me.Any ideas on how i can get him to stop??I already told teacher and he got suspended.He still does it though




  1. Knock him in the head, I don't stand for that c**p and neither should you. A saying is "violence never solved nothing" but it's so untrue, aggression truly works, especially with the pressure of being teased after losing the fight comes in, although it has never gotten to me. If he's poking you, poke him back, if he's pushing you push him back. I never throw the first punch but once someone does then it's on. Stick up for yourself mate don't be bullied by some immature little kid - hurl some verbal abuse at him and if he still doesn't stop start swinging.

  2. There is nothing wrong with using violence in self-defense.  If the worst that's going to happen with this kid is a fistfight, I'd hit back.  A fight is usually not as bad as you imagine it will be.  You may wish to take self-defense training to boost your confidence.  I did when I was a teenager and the bullying stopped.  

    However, if a fight with him could lead to the use of weapons, you may want to get your parents and maybe even the police involved.  Don't rely on a school bureaucracy; most bureaucrats are move interested in covering their own asses and having the two of you make nice so they won't be bothered and no parents will complain.  That's why they punish all students for fighting, regardless of which student instigated the fight.

    You can also strike back psychologically.  Bullies are insecure.  That is way they feel a need to affirm their own strength and worth.  Look for something about the bully that is shameful, that he is aware of but does not want to acknowledge -- even to himself.  Be mean-spirited.  Does he st-st-st-stutter?  Is he st-st-st-stupid?  Find out when he was born -- maybe he was left back a grade.  Does he wear inexpensive clothes?  Maybe his family is poor.  "What's the matter, a*****e, did your family run out of food stamps?"  Is he fat and ugly and that's why he doesn't have a girlfriend?  Maybe he doesn't have a girlfriend because he's g*y.  After all, he does seem to pay you a lot of attention.  Say to him, "You know, they say that immature a******s like you will tease a person as a way of flirting.  Please tell me you're not flirting with me because you should keep your gayness to yourself."  

    Bullies like a sense of control.  They like to see you show fear.  Give him the opposite of what he wants.  Even if you have to fight him and you lose, the important thing is that he's not getting the psychological satisfaction that he craves.  He'll eventually lose interest in bullying you.

  3. talk to him about it the same kid in your other question? he really needs to stop it, and as stupid as it may sound, you might have to tell his parents if hes seriously hurting and offending you. i really dont think he  knows he hurts you when hes joking around cuz usually they never know, even if youre like OW!  they think youre joking. even my boyfriend sometimes, we'll be jokin around but he doesnt realize how strong he is and he hurts me sometimes, his cousin said that about him try talking to him and tell him he seriously needs to stop, or just keep telling on him. if he doesnt stop eventually he'll get expelled maybe, since its like violence

  4. Ask the teacher to move you to a different seat. Then, if it's still bad, talk to your teacher again. Maybe even request to your teacher that she keep both of you after school one day so you can have a serious conversation with him in the teacher's presence, or a student councilor could join too. Hopefully your teacher will help you both create a constructive dialog, at least enough so he'll respect you enough to leave you alone.

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