
How do i deal with my nasty sister?

by  |  earlier

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She steels my clothes without asking. I am allowed no where near any of her belongings. I see her today in my top, i tell mum how mad i am. She asks me not to say anything as she doesnt want a i keep it to myself. However, my sister starts acting really horrible to me -as usual, so i demand she takes off my top. She refuses and then kicks and hits me. I say i will take something of hers if she does not, and she kicks me some more. She has now got away with it, I have hardly any clothes to wear as she takes them all, and now i am left feeling guilty for causing an argument. I have tried telling her, and my parents. Nothing works-she does whatever she wants and thats it. How can i deal with this? I am so angry but if i get my own back she will just use violence to get her own way on me! :( Any advice?




  1. as you both wear the same size the next time she kicks you use your fist and hit her in the nose at least three times and if she wants to continue do so until she learns that you will no longer take he bullying

  2. why not get a lock on your bedroom door, and that way she cannot get into any of your things anymore. and then, tell your mom that she had better do something about your sister, or the next time she beats you up, you are going to go to the police and have her charged with assault. you can also tell your sister that, too-then if she beats you again-you better report it-im sure that will end the abuse-they only beat up as long as they think they can get away with it.

  3. when she leaves the house, take your things back.  lock it up in a storage locker so she won't be able to have access to your stuff.  then give her a nice tight slap.

  4. well i would say beat the c**p out of her but youll get in trouble play her at her own game take her stuff waer it in front of her and let her see how it feels

  5. I understand your pain, I have been going trough the same thing my whole life, I've realized that It will never change. I, also try to avoid arguments but it takes a toll, my sister can be a b*tch over and over, but the minute I take a stand the whole family condemns me and automatically I'm the bad guy. I have come to a point where l have to turn to total strangers to find comfort and concider them my family. When people are set in their ways it's easier to grow a third arm then to try and make them understand.      

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