She steels my clothes without asking. I am allowed no where near any of her belongings. I see her today in my top, i tell mum how mad i am. She asks me not to say anything as she doesnt want a i keep it to myself. However, my sister starts acting really horrible to me -as usual, so i demand she takes off my top. She refuses and then kicks and hits me. I say i will take something of hers if she does not, and she kicks me some more. She has now got away with it, I have hardly any clothes to wear as she takes them all, and now i am left feeling guilty for causing an argument. I have tried telling her, and my parents. Nothing works-she does whatever she wants and thats it. How can i deal with this? I am so angry but if i get my own back she will just use violence to get her own way on me! :( Any advice?