
How do i deal with my sons seperation anxiety?

by  |  earlier

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hes 9 months now and won't even let his dad comfort him when hes tired and ready for a nap. its like im the only one that exists to him while im home.




  1. just be patient with him and make him be without you some while you are home, without traumatizing him.  have a set time where, if he won't let dad hold him, he doesn't get held.  It will pass, i promise.

  2. Thats hard to deal with but there are somethings you can do to ease the situation. His father can try to make a production when he comes home. You know something fun to get him excited that way he can look forward to seeing him, this however has to be every day. Same with you if you step out tell your son that you'll be back it doesnt matter if he's 9 mon or 9 yrs old. And when you come home make a production

  3. It is a phase. Your heart will be broken when all of a sudden your son only wants daddy.  With my kids I was usually able to calm them by reading, but sometimes they just wanted mommy.

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