
How do i deal with my stupid grandson?

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I have always loved my son in law, but we always had some issues about christianity. I do not belive in "God", but my son in law has always defined himself as "a strong christain" -..... I always laughed it off, and tried to ignor his little "faith" as he called it. But then my son in law died, and now his son has turned his life over to Christ, and tells me that he puts all his faith into God because thats what "The Bible" says he should do! I do not want my Grandson turning into a Christain! I have been trying to tell him that you cant put faith into something thats not real, but then he tells me that he prays for me to find Jesus! AHHHH! I cant stand it! He tells me to lay off sometimes, and that he wants to follow in his fathers footsteps! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!




  1. not that you are a bible reader or anything, but I found a great scripture you really should consider...

    "Who are you to condemn someone else’s servants? They are responsible to the Lord, so let him judge whether they are right or wrong. And with the Lord’s help, they will do what is right and will receive his approval." Romans 14:4

  2. Your G-son is so blessed to be a dedicated Christian. PTL

  3. i cannot even believe that this question is posted.... you are an extremely selfish, mean person. your grandson is perfectly able to believe in WHATEVER he wants and he is not stupid for it!!!! its fine that you dont believe in god but for those of us who do (me being one) i suggest you do not insult us like you just did.... im jewish.... do you have a problem with that??  

  4. 1 of. Who are you to tell ANYONE [[much less your poor own grandson]] that God isn't real. F.Y.I: Ya. He is.

    2 off. He's an adult. Let him do what he wants. There isn't anything you can do to stop him.

  5. Seems to me that you are very close-minded and that is very sad considering you are older than your grandson and you should let him be happy with anything he wants to do with his life. Perhaps you should try listening to him sometime instead of trying to disuade him from making his own decisions.

  6. Why is his belief so threatening to you?  If you don't believe in God, thats okay...but it is also okay for him to have his own beliefs. It didn't sound like he was threatened by your beliefs. You didn't say how long ago his father died...but sounds like he is searching for some way to heal. You have a couple of choices here, You can be supportive with love and not discuss this area, or you can stack one more stress on to his load and possibly ruin any chance of a relationship with him. How much do you love him? respect him?

  7. I don't think having a belief system warrants you calling your own flesh and blood stupid..

    May God bless you family for puting up with you..I am so lucky that my grandfathers love me..regardless of what I do..I can't believe that my loving Grandfather passed away too soon, and there are people like you out in the world that obviously can't put a difference of religion aside and just love your family..Shame on you..

  8. how can u call your grandson stupid first off? Secondly.. his father is dead so let him follow in his steps.. U need to wry about your own life , let him do as he pleases. good lord!

  9. meanie hes not stupid!!!

  10. His faith isn't for you to decide. Sure it may be irritating, I understand how that gets, but you need to let him be who he wants to be. YOu have your beliefs, let him have his. Why do you feel you need to control this about him. It may not work for you, but it is working for him at the moment. Just ask him if he will try to refrain from preaching around you so much. He is not stupid, i think saying that shows something about you. You sound hateful. Is it worth it to get all worked up. Just love him for who and how he is, he clearly loves you the way you are.

  11. I hope you're kidding.

    What kind of s**+-tty grandmother are you?

    I myself do not believe in God either, but I would NEVER try to force my non-beliefs on someone else, especially LAUGH at someone let alone my own flesh and blood! You disgust me, really.

    Think of it this way instead of being so close-minded. They believe in God like you DON'T believe in God. VERY strongly. So leave it at that. If I were your grandson I would have nothing to say besides F.U.C.K you grandma!


    Oops! I thought you were a woman! Thought men were smarter then that.. well, maybe not.

  12. well you don't have to push your beliefs onto your grandson, he can believe in whatever he wants to believe in

    and you have to be one sick b*****d to waste your time ridiculing some1 especially some1 you are related to  

  13. Lte him be who he wants to be. He's not bad or horrible for wanting to follow his dead father. Although, he shouldn't be "praying for you", either. Go your seperate ways, remain friendly, but respect each others beliefs. I myself am a..... borderlined Christian. I experienced a death of my friend's family member, and that has been my problem with God recently. What kind of 'loving God' let's a sixteen year old boy die of leukemia? :( I began questioning things.

    Some people turn away from said "God" and others toward "Him".

    Whatever floats your boat.

  14. Boy you have a lot of nerve , calling your grandson " stupid " for some thing he believes in . Just because you do not believe in God and are damning your soul to h**l doesn't mean that your grandson or any one else should . Who are you to say that God is not real ? Just because you can't see him doesn't mean that he's not there .

    You breath air , can you see that ? No , but you have faith that it is and will always be there for you to breath and be able to continue living .

    Just where do you think you came from any way ? Apes ? Or do believe that people just magically appeared out of thin air ?

    God create man in his image . In your case though it sounds as if you may have been cloned from a jack a$$ .

    You don't want your grandson pushing Christianity onto you , so why are you pushing being an atheist onto him ?

    Love your grandson for him and not what he believes . If every one believed in the same things this would be a very boring world .

    You may want to take your grandsons advice and lay off , if not you may end up loosing him .

    For your sake I hope that your grandson continues to pray for you , you need all of the prayer that you can get .

    May God have mercy on your soul .

  15. what the h**l is your problem! how can you call your old GRANDSON stupid!!! your an ***!

    how dare you question what he believes in

    heres something for you

    GO TO h**l

  16. Well for starters Gary I would suggest that you find something other then Stupid to call your grandson.  If he has different believes than you this should be a good material for you both to have conversations about.  Rather than trying to run this young man's life, why not be more of a male role model to this young man who has lost a father.  

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