
How do i deal with school sstress??

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i get alot of strees what can i do to lower it??




  1. I am sorry that this happens to you.

    Stress usually comes when you feel that you are "Overwhelmed" by the amount of tasks that you have been receiving .

    and because this is "SCHOOL" it means that you have to try to master all subjects that has been catered to you.

    Very rarely i found students that likes all subjects.

    Some students may like history only and that's why they excel in history, some excel at math because they like math.

    Having to master "all" subjects especially subjects that you do not like can cause some distress.

    Please take one day at a time and really just try to 'do your best'.

    Best Wishes

  2. listen to ICP full blast for a few for me

  3. If you are home-schooled, just take a break when you get tired.  If you go to public school, just take deep breath and think happy thoughts.  I do not not know what you are stressed about in school so i can't really help you.

  4. stress comes from have so much to do, with so little time so don't do to much extra curricular activities.

    your peers can cause stress to by pressuring you to do things.

    your diet can cause you to be stress. try eating less fat greasy food and sugary soda and more fruit and water.

    I do meditation and drink tea but you don't have to do that. it helps me deal and understand what went wrong and stuff its like putting myself in time out so i can understand and make peace with what I did so I wont stress about what i did.

    p.s if anybody says smoking marijuana will help you with stress don't do it b/c if u get in the habit of smoking marijuana to deal with stress every time your stressed your going to want marijuana lots of my friends do it and it is so sad that they need a substance to deal with problems.

  5. Well, it may not be so much as to lower the stress, but learning how to deal with the stress.

    Some ideas for helping to deal with stress are:


    *Drink lots of water

    *Get plenty of sleep (inc. going to bed early)

    *Surround yourself with people who make you happy

    *talking to someone about how you feel

  6. Meditate

    Get into physical sports and work it out

    Take a 30 minute break every few hours and just watch TV or listen to music or read a book for pleasure.

    Get a hobbie.

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