there are no stop signs or anything. if i see a white line is that when i stop? i failed the test twice; first time when i parallel parked i went over the curb but idid everything else perfectly which im still mad about. the second time, apparently i was too slow and stopped at the wrong places. im so annoyed. i hate the mvc i feel like ill never get my license. also, when i did the k-turn, the place to do it in was so narrow that it was impossible to do the kturn perfectly which was another reason i didnt pass. what am i supposed to do in tight places? im a perfect driver outside but in the stupid model test which tests u on things that drivers dont really need to know in tight places . what the h**l am i supposed to do!!!!! i have done it in the same place twice and its supposedly the easiest place in nj i want to switch but my dad thinks thats worse he has no faith in me altho he lets me drive the family everywhere with my permit. i hate the mvc so much