
How do i decide who to choose ?

by  |  earlier

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i have been with my boyfriend for 20 months for the past 4 months all we have done is argue and bicker we cant see each other with out arguing about two weeks ago i meet an old school friend who was my childhood sweetheart we have been texting and emailing we know we should be together ut its so hard cause i love my boyfriend and now i feel like am torn between the 2




  1. depends  how old u are

  2. I've been in a similar situation. Not quite the same, but close. I liked this guy more than everything since I was 12, but he never really cared about me... but I never stoped loving him (don't ask why, cuz i really dunno) lol... and I always knew that... but two years later he moved out and changed school and I never saw him was really hard...but when I was 14, almost 15 (in my 9th grade) I met a boy from my class and we dated for almost 10 months but we were ALWAYS arguing. I thought I liked him... But, then, that boy I was so crazy about appeared in my life again...and guess what...I went to his school in a school's event, we saw each other and we star texting...etc... I felt in the top of the world. but really confused. just like you're now... anyway...I felt sorry for my bf, but I left him. I really loved that boy. and....I'm really happy with him now. We really have a cute story to tell our kids one day ;P

    You really need to think about it, and see who's more likely to make you happy. (hope this was useful somehow xD) LOL

    good luck!

  3. Well i would say go with the 1 u love the most but it doesnt alway work out that way as u can be in love with the most horrible men, as u cant help who u love!

    Think about the most important things u want/need from a man and then see which one out of the 2 is going to treat u the best, but this lad ur texting if hes ever treated u really bad b4 and u think hes changed he hasnt!

    Also ur probably arguing so much with ur bf as u are not putting enough effort in as ur interested in another man.and u are probably acting differently towards him, but u wont even realise it.

    Its not fair on him so make sure u make ur dession now dont play any of them along its not nice, u wouldnt like it if he was doing the same to you. And if you do choose to go with this boy ur texting when u leave ur bf dont telll him you have found some1 else as it will hurt him so much more.

  4. tell ur current bf that u need sometime to think and tell him how u feel. and if he breaks up with you bc of it then he isnt that great of a bf. and then u can try it with the other guy.

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