
How do i decorate my room so it will suite me?

by  |  earlier

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I am moving to a new house and i want my room to suite my personlity. I want to paint it and decorate it nicely so that i will always like it.




  1. Write down what you like

    Go to the store and buy the material

    Make your vision come into reality by creating your atmosphere

  2. Get inspired, Look in magazines, look in deco books (just thumb through them in the store, surf the internet (design, decoration bedroom, etc.) and when you find something (a whole room, a style, a color, etc.) DON'T try to copy it but just understand why you like it so you have a style in mind.

    Next, SHOP! Wander through some stores or online and find one thing you absolutely LOVE. It can be a picture for the wall, a throw rug, a blanket, a lamp, a color, and work from there. Once you find one thing you love, you will have an idea for the color or style. Now, AVOID FADS. You might find yourself attracted to some dramatic deco ideas you will see but shy away from very specific "fad" decos. Avoid choosing paint and wallpapers that are too much in one style because they are harder to change later. Paint just one wall in a color the rest in a neutral off-white, beige, white, etc. So that if you ever do change, you can just change that one wall. Our personalities change throughout our lives (hopefully, otherwise we would be pretty boring) so don't feel you have to get it right in one shot. Let the room change with you. Changing just the bedding can change a whole room.

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