
How do i defend a player who only drives and does post play?

by  |  earlier

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he just drives on me and i end up playing defense in the low post, then he just banks it in.




  1. Make him shot jump shots

  2. if he drives hard stand as if your making a pick and then you will draw a charge. Stay with him from the top untill he stops dribbling.

    THE BEST thing to do is ALWAYS have your hand up i do this and it will make the player have a hard time banking the shot in as he wont be able to see the basket, putting your hands up will make his shot less effective and will miss, if u stick with him. If hes fast give him a bit of space but still stay with him and your hands up so he will be scared to try to bank a shot or layup even.

  3. Yea when playing against players like that give them some space so he can shoot the ball and if he tries to drive block the way he is going to, an automatic CHARGE!!!!!

  4. Play off and make him shoot outside.

  5. Back up on him.. Make him shoot.. force him to the opposite hand

  6. I have a friend that basically does that.I suggest playing about 2-3 feet off of him/her.Its far enough where if they try to drive you have time to react,and if they pull up,you can contest the shot.

  7. Make him start his drive and get in front of him, force him to post.  If he normally doesn't post it can mean he has no post game.  It just common sense, force him to do things that are uncomfortable to him.

  8. Don't let him get past you.   Work on your lateral quickness.   That means how fast you move side to side.   Keep your hands up and focus on his body.   Forget the ball and make sure his body is in front of you at all times.

    Then he can't drive and consequently, can't post.  

  9. don't give him room, to penetrate

  10. im really good at deffence and i can tell you exactly everything to do.first use your arms. push him get him away from the basket make sure you use dose arms you have. Then make sure he gets the ball far away from the basket. give him a nice little cusion let him think he can make the jumper. When you see him going up for it get a hand in his face so he takes a bad shot! Hope i helped.

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