
How do i defragment my brain?

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How do i defragment my brain?




  1. Insert your floppy disc in a  hard drive and start downloading until you upload...or something like that

    good luck grandpa

  2. swallow the appropriate disc for defragment. plug-in the electric source into your nose holes, then turn on the switch, it'll defrag by it's own

  3. I'm sorry .. but you cannot.

    Theres no way to defragment your brain.

  4. you might want to think about upgrading to the new Intel koduoduo processor

  5. tarik nafas dalam2

  6. do mediadation

  7. I'm too brainy to answer this.

  8. did i mention my sister-in-law is a neurosurgeon???

    you can meet her at PPUM..

    PEACE =D

  9. Get your crabs to help you. If they are too busy I recommend the squid. Both can do defragmenting quickly but it's less painful with squids. Cause crabs have pincers. Alternatively, plug your brain to the PC and use the disk to defrag your brain. It should be Drive G for Gindy

  10. grape has taken over ginduras now???

    what happened to gindy's account? defragmented?

  11. Eat lots of crabs and other sea food...

  12. why they all said your acc got deleted?

  13. I thought you only can deCRABment your brain?

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