
How do i delete a comment that i have wrote on a friends 360 page?

by  |  earlier

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sometimes you post a comment on someone's 360page, and you dont like it, or it was a mistake! or you just dont want it! or maybe you have been nuty and signed in with you boyfriend's id and you have posted a comment to some girls page by a mistake and latter on he is like when did i post this comment? i dont know this person! and you'r so so imbaressed! so there should be a way for deleting a comment that you have posted!




  1. You can't.

  2. We do not have this option to delete our comment from some one else page after we post on it.

    Tell the person it was not to come out like that. and you notice how wrong it sound after posting it.

  3. Let me explain what can be done what cannot be done

    If your friend or someone sent you a comment you can delete that if its on your page

    BUT if you do a comment on someone else's page you cannot delete that

    If the comment was one that you didn't mean to post the best you can do is send a message explaining your situation

    what you said

  4. change your yahoo id, and disavow any knowledge of your past yahoo id.

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