
How do i delete past websites ive searched?

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How do i delete past websites ive searched?




  1. Think you mean!

    Erase the history on your computer.

  2. Click Tools on your Browser

    Internet Options

    Clear History.

    You can also have them automatically deleted every day right next to the clear history button and select the number of days to keep your history in your history folder.

  3. Go to the tools menu, Internet options, and you'll find it there - delete history/offline content, then go to this other tab where you can delete all the "autocomplete" stuff. OKk, hope this helped.

  4. Delete the history....

  5. Your searches are cleared by clearing or disabling Auto Complete here's how:

    For Internet Explorer: Click on Tools. Then Internet Options. Click on Content and then Auto Complete. Then click on Clear Forms. This will erase your search history. If you don't want things showing up again in your search history then deselect the Auto Complete options at the top. Be sure to select apply or ok at the bottom.

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