
How do i delete...?

by  |  earlier

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how can i delete a question that i asked that i dont wantup anymore ?




  1. In your profile

  2. If your question has already been voted on or went into voting, you can not delete it.

    But if it is a open question, go to your profile and click on that question

    This will take you to that question and the bar under your question give you options to add more detail or to delete the question.

    If it was already was pick best answers, you can not remove it, you can set your Q&A to private so no one can see these.

    Just click on 'edit my info' and set to private and preview ,click OK

  3. go to your question and then under the question, go to edit, then delete your question! but you lose 5 points when you do that.

  4. when you look at the question clcik on the button that says edit and beneath it should be a botton the says DELETE QUESTION click it and wahla tis done the question will still show up on your profile though but people cat click it or pull it up

    hope this helps!!!
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