
How do i delete virus infections and warnings on my computer?

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How do i delete virus infections and warnings on my computer?




  1. Get one of these anti-virus listed below.All these anti-virus work very well,they are the leaders in the current market.

    Kaspersky anti-virus:


    MacroVirus anti-virus:


    The Shield Deluxe anti-virus:


    BitDefender anti-virus:


  2. The answers above do not address this particular problem.

    I will.

    This vicious program/malware is not actually a "virus" therefore anti-virus programs do not pick it up. However, it is VERY malicious, and causes MANY problems.

    Our computers got this nasty thing too. I was able to get rid of it, but it took more than one solution. I've outlined the steps for you to easily follow below.

    This is a BAD program that installs many files onto your computer and reeks havoc. It drops TOO MANY file to delete individually.

    List of all those files here:

    There are 3 things that you need to do all 3

    below A, B, and C.

    These tools do an EXCELLENT job, and the "home' versions are FREE to the public.

    (The business versions you should purchase)


    Avast free Home Edition

    Get it here:

    And please do a "thorough" scan as soon as you get it downloaded. The user interface is simple. Click the left side, and in the top menu that comes up, select thorough scan.

    When it finds a culprit it throws up an alarm, then you DELETE the culprit, (do not quarantine).

    Then allow it to run all of the time, and you will be completely protected. It will "automatically" update itself, also for free.

    You only need to renew your registration once a year, also free.

    Note: I KNOW of several people who have used AVG and Norton and have gotten a virus anyway.

    Don't go with Zone Alarm as it is hoggy and conflicting.

    I've tried them all, and have had wonderful results with DEPENDABLE AVAST for the last 5 years.

    The corporation I work for uses the Pro version, and has never has an incident. Avast is your answer.


    Get free Ad-AWARE spy-removal tool from Lavasoft

    1. Download, install and run this program weekly or more.

    Then you can be really confident that you are protected at all times.

    C. Maybe this step is redundant, but I still recommend you do this:

    Perform a system restore to a time BEFORE the infection. Got to START > Programs > Accessories > Systems Tools > System Resore >

    follow the prompts and select a date and time before the infection >

    Restart your computer


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    thank you

  3. If you are not a computer expert and you need to protect your computer from spyware, you have to choose simple but very powerful software. Spyware may collect your personally identifiable information without your permission and is strongly recommended to be removed.

  4. You obviously dont have a decent anti virus program on your computer. I use a free one that I find really good.  You can download it from here

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