
How do i delvelop telekinises powers?

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Look, i know it sounds lame but i just want to develop the skill.




  1. no can do sir.

  2. stick a fork in a toaster. or go roll around in radioactive waste like Adam West did  in Family Guy. 8D

  3. There is a company who will pay a million dollars to anybody who can do it in person, hasn't happened yet.

  4. Do you really?

    Because it would certainly take some major changes.

    You'd have to go vegetarian. Possibly vegan. Mystics of history have believed that animal products clog the channels up.

    Then you have to take up meditation. Learn to quiet and focus your mind.

    Then you have to connect with the Divine. That is God. On our own we are nothing. With God we are All Things.

  5. Hold your breath until you get it

  6. Make sure you are not disturbed.

    Start out small.

    Concentrate all your mind on the object that you want to move or control.

    Tell yourself that you are going to do it.


  7. Don't believe everything you read in comic books.

  8. impossible

  9. Go to and buy the telekinesis ultimate kid, it comes with a license for 3 people and is delivered on line, that way you and 2 friend can become telekinesers,

  10. You need to start out small. I started with a quarter. Set it on a table in front of you and concentrate very hard on the object. Then open and close your eyes, each time leaving your eyes closed a little longer. When you can see the object, and every detail of the object you are ready. Don't expect it to fly across the room right away. The first time it might only move a few inches. Still concentrating, imagine the object in its new position. Eventually, if you do it right, the object will move.

  11. first you need to bite the head off a chicken and drink its blood, then pluck its feathers and make a hat, wear it! make a circle on the ground of dried up yak bones approx. 5 ft in diameter jump around the circle and chant.........ooohhhh aaaaa wiggi janta janta vork 10 times and fire a 1823 rifle in to the air to summon the lord of telekinises powers. When he comes forth offer him the liver of a whale in return for your kindness and a satisfied stomach he will grant you your request

  12. No ones ever done it before.You'll be the first.Good luck to you.

  13. imposible

  14. I have a telekinetic machine you can buy.  I'll make a special price.  Just for you.

    I've only used it once, and the furniture moved itself all around.  I found myself sitting on the TV watching the sofa.  It was scary.


  15. Concentrate real hard on something, say a glass for example.  If you sit long enough, and don't do anything else.  You won't get the glass to move, but you will manage to make the rest of your life disappear.

  16. a few centuries of evolution and maybe a lot of meditation.

    Would you want any government today, to get their hands on a real telekinet.

    Too scary

  17. Dip yourself in radioactive material. You might even get the power to fly and run hella fast! Or severe radiation poisoning and end up dead, but think about the girls you'll get with SUPERPOWERS!

  18. Use a hairdryer while showering.

  19. Telekineses is the power to move objects by unknown means. I guess it's something you have to discover on your own.

    Let us know if you succeed.

  20. first take a pair of pliers and pull out all of your hair then take the hair and make a beard with it. Put the beard on and some red shoes and clap them together and say "theres no place like home" then video tape it and post it on youtube with the name n00b very lame and wait about a week and guess as to what ppl will say about  the video. That'll help if that don't work drink your urine and gleek on everyone

  21. I hear inhaling alot of paint thinner does the trick.

  22. u know u can't develop this skill. This is imparted to you as a gift at birth. That's just like asking can you buy salvation or pay for a soul not to go to h**l.

    Fine tune the gift that you possess/have and use it to help others.

  23. hmmmm, invent a time machine and go in the future

  24. I'm sorry, but telekinesis has never been demonstrated or observed. Many people have tried, and many people have claimed the ability, but all demonstrations have utterly failed. If someone had the demonstrated ability, we'd know it. It goes without saying that the first person to come forward with such an ability would go down in history, become world famous and wealthy beyond measure. Some paranormal apologists make absurd excuses why a real telekinetic would never come forward, but the plain fact that (unsupported) telekinetic claims are being made all the time by people who actually think that they have the power contradicts such excuses.

  25. have fun with that.

  26. better, try developing prevision powers, many people have.

    I had some prevision dreams but not many times and never in purpose. (and never  really helped me out of something) however these times may been just luckily previsioned :/

    I am going to do some TeleVision now, hehehe

  27. Everyone will tell you that you cant, but they are wrong, because you see people do it.

    The real key is realizing that its an illusion. I have revealed in detail about 10 times now how this illusion is done.

    The point im making is, you will never get the pen to roll with just your mind, no one ever had, there is no logical reason to believe anyone ever will.

    The telekinitics you have seen on tv and possibly live have a trick to it. When you know that trick and watch the same telekinetics, you will think "wow, how could I be so gullible."

    If there are any magic shops near you, you might want to go there and see if they can help you.

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