
How do i design a wrench?

by  |  earlier

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i need to design and manufacture a special wrench which looks like this...

i need to know the manufacturing processes involved and the various material choices that i have.....also please throw some light on the heat treatment a tool normally goes through......thank you




  1. You could do all of it on a 4axis cnc lathe in about minute.

    You could use a 4 axis cnc mill in about 2

    Looks like you could cast them then finish with milling the slot

    Could be done a manual machines.

    Main cost would be programming time and setup of the machine.

    As for the material it could be anything.

    IF i had to guess one would cost you 100 bucks (that's what i would charge you)

    then the price would start dropping.

    maybe 2-3 bucks if you started making them in the thousands.


    For got to answer the design part. You really don't need much this is very simple all you need is a basic layout anyone could draw this up in solidworks,autocad in about 5 minutes. All they need is basic blueprint  with dimension.

    Looks like you could get all the information in two views. One of the side. With the length and width and one of the front to say how wide the slots should be cut.

    You could go to any machine shop and have this tool made.

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