
How do i develop my psyche abilities. i've heard everyone has them but they don't use it

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How do i develop my psyche abilities. i've heard everyone has them but they don't use it




  1. Really, it all comes back to meditation. I know that often people don't want to hear that but, it's true. The better you become at being "still" and truly listening to, trusting and accepting the information you're getting, the stronger your gifts become.

    It's simple, really, but we often try to overcomplicate the process. Don't expect the big booming voice in your head when you begin trying to develop your abilities. It *can* happen that way, but it's is very rare. Pay attention to the thoughts that come into your head. Again, listen. You may be surprised at the info you're getting that you're just dismissing as random garbage thoughts.

    Think of your intuition as a muscle you need to exercise. The more you pay attention to using it, the stronger it becomes.

  2. Regular meditation!  And psychic development exercises.

  3. Yes it is true that everyone has them.  But lots of us are born this way and I dont know if it will be easy to open them from not using them at all but I can help you with some practices.  Telepathy- have a friend pick a number in her head 1-10.  Have her give the number to you mind to mind.  Both of you need to be open when doing so.  Keep practicing this skill.  Clairavoyance-  have some number cards about 6-10.  Make sure you remember the numbers on all the cards.  Flip them over and move them around so you dont know where they are.  Put your hand over them and try to see if you get a number or color or anything that decribes the card in your head.  Eventually you will get a picture and youll be able to know every card.  Thats all I can think of to help you improve and start to open them.

  4. There are books to teach you. There also classes and spiritual camps. Everything I have read use mediation, candles, relaxation, maybe listen to a calming song and just lay down. Just some ideas and make sure there aren't any interruptions. Also listen to life. Don't dismiss anything and say that is a coincidence. Have patience too. There also shows that be help to you, as in really listen to the story line or follow the pictures (what are they showing you in the show). EX. Dead Zone, Psychic Kids, Medium, Among The Dead,  just to name a few. After you have leaned and open yourself I guess the magic happens. I'm trying to be a medium myself. Some also say keep a notebook so you see the progress you have made.

  5. i have a book which has step by step exercises for the mind. like ive said to others before if you email me i can send you the first exercise.

    *Blessed Be*

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