
How do i dial a phone number that has letters in it?

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I don't know what numbers to press on a regular house phone. I know that the numbers have letters of the alphabet on them. Is it anything like texting? PLEASE help!




  1. No, its not really like texting because you don't need to hit a number repeatedly to put in the corresponding letter you want, just one time.

    Wherever there is a letter, just punch in the number it appears on (one time).

    So for example, 1-800-NUMBERS would be 1-800-686-2377.

  2. NO not like texting.


    3 DEF

    4 GHI

    5 jkl

    6 mno

    7 prs

    8 tuv

    9 wxy

    so "1800-the boys" is

    1 800-843-2697

  3. The offical name for this is phoneword (similar to phone number)

    you can check wikipedia:

    many phone have the letters as well as digits on the keys.

    1 has no letters

    2 is ABC

    3 is DEF

    4 is GH

    5 is JKL

    6 is MNO

    7 is PRS (note: no Q)

    8 is TUV

    9 is WXY (note no Z)

    0 has no letter (reserved for operator)

    so just replace the letter by the corresponding number.

    Note that A Bd C ll map to A so it's easy to get two companies with different names having the same number, hence the 800, 866 etc so that they can all be happy.

    for a discussion on the Q and Z look here:

  4. Let us say that you want to call 1-800-pleaseme

    The number would be..  1-800-75327363

    Now..even though there are extra digits...the phone will only call 1-800-753-2736

    Look at the phone.  If the letter is F than the number is 3.  You do not have to push the 3 more than one time.

  5. It's just like t9 texting.

    Predictive texting.

  6. just dial the# with the corresponding letter one time, the phone will know.

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