
How do i discipline my 6 yr old boy,?

by Guest61734  |  earlier

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when hes been naughty, i try and shout, but he smile or laughs( in a cheeky way) and then i end up laughing a little, and I'm left feeling that i cant chastise my own child




  1. my mum used to spank me, when i was very little it was on the hand, then the legs then the but- of course it was legal then but i think that still is appropriate as long as it's not hard!! give him two firm warnings make sure he knows he's not supposed to be doing it, then count to five and if he still hasn't stopped then spank him firmly but lightly on the hand, some people disagree with this and i fully understand and in no way am i saying you should hit your child! i'm giving you a suggestion of the old fashioned spanking so please don't be offended

    good luck x

  2. There are so many ways you can disipline your boy w/ out harming him physically. for instance taking toys away or telling him you are not allowing him to visit the park because of his behavior, at this age he gets excited about doing "kid" activities, i know i have two 7yr olds. so when you  reward him for good behavior (in which you should always) over dramatize it, like shouting how well he has done and tak him out for ice cream give him a cool transformer sticker, baseball card, keep a bucket of goodies for rewarding, good luck..

  3. Laughing and smiling at his misbehavior does nothing more but show him that he is the boss.  You are the parent.  You are the boss.  You need to show him consistent discipline.  6 year olds are not dumb.  They realize what is right and what is wrong.  They know that willfully defying their parent is wrong.  The only reason he continues with it is because he knows he can and will get away with it.

    Shouting is not appropriate either for a consequence.  Sure all parents will loose their tempers and may yell at their children, but I would not advise making that a habit.  When he acts up, let him know the consequences of his behavior if he does not straighten up and then *Follow Through*!  Be consistent.  Make a set of house rules and next to each rule list the consequence for breaking that rule.  That way he knows without a shadow of a doubt what the consequences will be if he does not follow the rules.  Some consequences could be loss of privileges (TV time, no dessert, lose a favorite item), an extra chore that is not pleasant (weed the garden, clean the bath tub with supervision), you could try a time out, or even a spanking.  Make sure the "punishment" fits the "crime".  Be fair, be consistent.  When you catch him behaving well, tell him you appreciate his good behavior and that you are pleased with him for that.

    The point of a consequence is to let him know that you don't reject him as your child, but you reject the bad behavior.  After his consequence is over, let him know that you love him too much to let him behave like that and you want to see him acting like a mature young man.  Mature young men listen to their parents and show responsibility for their actions.  Best wishes!

  4. time out for 6 mins

  5. Six year olds aren't dumb they know you by now and have figured out how to get out of trouble. I don't spank my 7 year old and haven't in a long time. He is a pretty good kid but every here and there he has his slip ups. I have found that taking away the tv or certain toys get to him more.  But you do need to talk to him about why it's bad and why he shouldn't do that anymore.  But be ready for the smile and don't smile back. Don't yell I used to do everything and it really doesn't work.  I'm not 100% against spanking but truthfully with my oldest it doesn't work.  

  6. Sounds like you need to grow up first...

  7. well your first mistake is laughing...don't do's hard sometimes but you have to try.  Next is to enforce time outs and taking things away that he likes.  It will take a while to work...but you have to stick to it.  It took my son about 2 months to catch on that he wasn't going to get away with things...but now he knows that their are consequences to his actions....good luck!

  8. 1. dont yell just talk if he doesnt listen ignore him

    2. dont laugh when he laughs ccause then he thinks its ok

    3. go out a  lot and leave him with a babysitter eventually h**l see that you dont want to be around him when he doent listen  

  9. My child likes to laugh or smirk when I try to correct pisses me off when he does this and I simply tell him that it's not funny.  If you laugh back he will only learn that whatever he did is funny to you and he will continue to do it.

  10. Get a supernanny book and learn the naughty step regime. It works for mine.

  11. ok never ever yell at a child unless its a warning from danger ... never

    if he is a normal 6 year old spanking is a good method ... but be sure that it hurts and im not talking about abuse .. im talking about making his bottom sore for just a few hours ..this will get the message to him.

  12. Sell him into slavery...

  13. First of all, don't shout. It just shows him you are not in control, and that he can get a reaction from you. Speak in measured, stern tones, lots of eye contact.

    And though it may not be popular with a lot of parents, I believe in spanking. Again, it must be structured and not out of control. That's why God padded our butts, after all.

    But use that as sort of the ultimate punishment for when he is not accepting normal punishment or does something very bad that he knows he shouldn't. Never spank in anger. If you have to, make him sit on his bed until you are calm enough to administer punishment rationally.

    Other methods are standing the kid in a corner or sitting them down for a time. Do not give them a time limit that they will be there. They should be there until you believe they have learned their lesson.

    Make sure they are not in a place where entertainment is available. Turn off the TV, even if it's something you want to watch, the kid comes first. Do not sit them in their room unless you plan to make sure they do not play.

    Do not be afraid to tell them that what they did was bad. Feeling guilty is not always a bad thing, it teaches them to have a conscience. After punishment is complete, let them know quietly and sternly that you love them and only want them to be good. But do not be too demonstrative. Bad kids do not get hugs.

    Good discipline for your child means that you must be disciplined yourself. Be consistent, and do not forego punishment just because it is not convenient for you.

  14. Well, he's not taking the shouting seriously and it's not working so just stratch that. Spank him. (He won't be laughing then.) Spank his butt a couple of times, get down to eye level and explain to him why he got a spanking.  

  15. Have you never been naughty before?

  16. I don't think shouting works. I do think that spanking can work but only if it is as a last resort. I would do something that he might know as punishment already, such as telling him to stand with his face to the wall until he's prepared to say sorry and not do the offence again. In extreme circumstances, you could send him to his bedroom.

    It's natural to raise your voice when you're angry but try to resist shouting. Make him feel that you're in control all the time and the battle is half won. Make him feel that bad behaviour is punished and good behaviour is rewarded. Make him feel that if he does something that's particularly good without any prompting he'll get a particularly good reward. But remember, at 6, a particularly good reward might be as simple as allowing him to choose his dinner from a selection.

  17. Laughing when he does only teaches him that he's being cute and should continue what he's doing. If I'm really mad at my daughter and she really is being cute, I have to turn my head to let out a little smile. I'd never let her see me doing it! Put him in time out, ground him, try anything but giving up. He'll never learn if you don't find a punishment and stick with it.  

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