
How do i dispose of cutlery and plates safely?

by  |  earlier

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im moving out of shared accomodation. we have roughly 4 sets of everything so cutlery sets, kitchen knives, cheese graters, LOADS of plates, many pint glasses and so many saucepans (which are in POOR condition).

I wouldn't recommend reusing the cutlery or saucepans - most of it is in disgusting condition where mould and damp have set in between the handles and the metal. Shall I just wrap it all up in newspaper and put it in the bin?

Any safe suggestions welcome!

The sharp kitchen stuf is my biggest concern.




  1. Please pass them on to people who need them !

  2. put knives in a cardboard box and throw them in a large dumpster at an apartment complex or behind a store or restuarant. that way your local waste collector won't have to lift the bags to get it into the truck. saucepans and the rest can go into your usual garbage can.

  3. you can bag and wrap all the kitchen stuff

    but for the knifes i think you might need to get in touch with your council and ask them to dispose of it for you.

  4. All the metal can go into the recycling bin and don't wrap it so the sorters can see it's a knife. They wear gauntlets there is no safety issue it goes into the metal skip and is never touched by human hand until it has been recycled.

    Gardeners/local allotments will take all your surplus plates and pans, they are always useful.

    Keep the pint pots, there will be another party in another place :0)

  5. go to freecycle and give them away somone always wants things, those that are too past it to give away wrap them up in paper and pop them in the bin.

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