
How do i dispose of pills i no longer need?

by  |  earlier

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I have a few bottles of pills that i don't need... they ended up not helping me... effxor 75 & 150 mgs... like a month of each of them... some old pills from like 2005 i just found... i want to get rid of them...

but how?




  1. Do you have a cat? If so, crush them up and put it in the used litter/sand... either that or take them to a local drugstore.

  2. Take them to your pharmacist, they have the facilities to dispose of them safely, it is not a good idea to flush them, unless you have no social conscience.

  3. Do nut flush them.

    Call a local hospital and pharmacy.  They can help you.

  4. Your pharmacist will dispose of them for you.

  5. I am a CMA

    DO NOT FLUSH THEM!!!! It has been proven that flushed drugs are getting into the water supply.. Take them to your local WALGREENS

    they will dispose of them for you

  6. Take them back to where you got them from or who prescribed them.  It's the sort of thing they should also be prepared to deal with.

  7. flush them

  8. garbage can.  

  9. Take them to a pharmacy for them to dispose of them. If they are not out of date, "free clinics" will take them as donations.

  10. Flushing them is the best way to get rid of them.

  11. Check with your doctor or clinic first. If they can't help you, contact your local government. It is important that you don't flush them into the waste water system. Imagine how that can pollute our groundwater and create a danger for others.

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