
How do i do REAL magic, like powers over water, like freezing,boiling,making float in the air?

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Hi, i know that shows are fake and it is not real BLA BLA BLA but i wanna know how to do real magic like i know all that stuff like "stop watchin tv" what eva i want to know if it is possible to like freeze things or like make them float in the air or somthing you know and is it possible for sombody to cast some sort of spell to make somebody have powers? Or a spell that turns people into mermaids? If you know one tell me! Don't give me a sarcastic answer, if you think this is dumb, DONT ANSWER! thanks and see ya!




  1. Real magic doesn't exist, or at least no one can figure out how to make it work.

    Famous magician are skilled illusionists who use cleverly engineered props or/and quick hands to perform seemingly extraordinary acts.

    No matter how real their tricks seem to be, they are performed without any use of supernatural powers. e.g. There are some videos online showing Criss Angel revealing how he performed some of his acts such as levitation.

    If you still want to perform magic, then learn from your local pagan community or take some hallucinogenic drugs.

  2. there is very little chance that you will find spells that will freeze or make things fly.

    magic is more subtle and works for most part inside of your mind, changing your perception of yourself and world around you. with that change of perception it enables you to change in some way things around you. spells can make you more seductive or more capable to perform certain tasks for achieving certain goals. in domain of understanding, communication, attraction of desired things. its like little push from 'above' for thing to go in your advantage.

    as for performing miracle like things, i wouldnt look into wicca or western magick systems (best they can do is make rain fall on fairly cloudy day :P ) there been some reports, texts even videos, about practitioners of yoga and eastern spritual practices doing things that go along lines of what you asking about. they didnt turn anyone into mermaid, but there has been reports of floating things and materializing stuff out of nowhere. most of it is probably hoax, but its worth looking in my oppinion

  3. Magic isn't real, so you can't ever actually do such things. Some men are great at sleight-of-hand. You might be too, if you learn how to do it and practice.

  4. You know that TV shows like H2O are fake, but you're asking to do "REAL" magic as seen on these fake TV shows?  Do you realize that this makes no sense?

    No, it is not possible for you to freeze things without the use of an appliance or appropriate chemicals like dry ice.  It is not possible to levitate objects.  And it is not possible to turn you or anyone else into a mermaid.  

    I'm not sure what "powers" you are looking to have, but my best advice is to study hard in school.  Learn new things on your own (based on reality).  Think about what you'd like to be when you grow up and work for it.  Learn, learn, learn, and learn some more.  Knowledge is the greatest power that you *can* have.

  5. You don't.

    Magic is just pretend -- even my five year old knows this.

    I know you don't want to hear this, but wishing for something to be true isn't going to make it so.

  6. Magic is not real


    Magik is real

    They are different from each other like magik is wicca and magic is sabrina teenage witch etc

  7. You learn science.


  8. There are spells and potions and what not but not for this. I know you don't want to hear this but there are NO spells to freeze, boil or make thing float. You can't become a mermaid. If you want to do real magic then stop playing pretend.

  9. You can't.   You see, Magic is just an illusion. Have you ever watched Mind freak on A&E he is a magician . He turns toy cars into real cars and he can float in the air. in the theme song to his shows he tells everyone magic is an illusion nothing is real in this world.

  10. Sorry but it's never going to happen.

    You may be able to research illusions and how to make it APPEAR as if you are doing these things,  but magic is just illusion.

  11. You need to be Initiated by other wizards/witches.  Once that happens, you'll be able to use magic and you can begin learning and training.  It's tough to get at first, but some people can become very powerful. It takes a lot of dedication and discipline.

  12. The magic that you deem as "real" actually is the fake variety. Magic does not freeze thing, nor boil.

    If you want to perform REAL magic (not seen on tv), I'd suggest you research other sources other than Charmed!

  13. No..."real" magic is nothing more than a manipulation of the energies around you.  You are not able to freeze or float objects.  You cannot defy physics and the natural order of things. There is no way to do any of the things you are thinking magic is.  REAL magic requires concentration, intent, and an open mind.  You cannot bend reality, nor alter free will.  You should study a bit on the subject to find out what REAL magic is.  For instance:  You cannot make someone fall in love with you...but you can, however, make them open to the prospect of love.  See the difference?  It's not a matter of creating something out of nothing....I suggest the book Wicca by DJ Conway or anything written by Scott Cunningham.  And PLEASE stay away from Silver Ravenwolf.  

    Good luck and blessed be

  14. Sorry


    Can't Do That

    I'm A Witch

    And Can't Do That.

    Try Making Potions

    And What Not

    I Don't Know




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